BUT, where I think they're missing it, (or I'm missing it, and just haven't seen you say any of this stuff, but I do usually read what you write, even if I don't respond), is Jesus isn't Yeshua Halmasiach to you, (although I want to slap you lightly for making me have to figure out how to spell those words lol), you don't seem to be big on preaching keeping the Jewish Feasts and customs exactly as the OT says, and you're not into making sure everyone avoids pork, like many of the supposedly Messianic Jews that are more Jewish than Messianic.
Now, personally, I think where we might get more than one goat (as in "get your goat," not as in we're back into properly sacrificing bleating animals lol), is that we still believe the OT commandments still apply. Not so much as in we have to keep them or we aren't saved, but as a way of seeing who God is by how he wants us to behave. So many on here, (and that's more of "a lot" vs. "the vast majority") believe the OT is pretty much wasted space, because none of it counts anymore. (The whole "Jesus killed the Law" vs. "Jesus fulfilled it" debate, that isn't so much a debate, because those who believe he killed it have never studied enough to find out what he really did. They just lap up whatever they're taught, instead of studying for themselves.) So that we believe the OT means much more than "many on here," we must fit into some properly labeled box, if, for no other reason, than others don't have to figure out what we really believe.
In that aspect, I was being both facetious and full-on honest by calling that another form of "Name it and claim it." Something I really wish would stop on here, but honestly? I think that will stop on here the day after that winning lottery ticket does blow into my hand. There is idle wishful thinking and slim chance thinking. That one is probably below the other two. lol
So, that may not help you understand why some want to slam some dumb label on you, but at least you know where a friend stands on the issue. We don't always agree, but friendship never meant we should have to agree.