There is no short answer to the OP's question, but Judaizing Sect is the best short description of the movement. Most who identify with the beliefs and practices of the HRM choose not to or refuse to label themselves, either because they think themselves to be of 'pure 1st century religion' or because they know the HRM and other Law-keeping sects are piling up divisions and rotten fruit worse than they accuse the rest of the Body of having.
Years ago I was part of a Mom's Digest, MOMYS (mothers of many young siblings), which for several years was a great blessing with shared wisdom and advice about large family logistics.
Then Judaizing theology crept in.
Law-keeping MOMYS went from posting, "We have been so blessed in our family because we do this (Feast, Sabbath, and dietary law keeping, along with tzitzit wearing, observing niddah, husbands not cutting facial hair, wearing clothing of only one thread, etc."
To posting, "We do this to show God that we love and honor Him."
To posting, "If you
really love God you should be doing all of these things, too."
To posting, "if you don't do these things you really
don't love God."
To posting, "If you don't do these things, you either really
aren't saved or you
will lose your salvation."
Some other characteristics in the Judaizing sects, including but not limited to the HRM:
- Little to mention of the Work of Christ - LOTS of mention about our work to maintain/prove salvation.
- They teach that the fruit of salvation is the observing of the commandments given at Sinai, and they strive to exhibit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, most of which they in reality don't exhibit, but rather great spiritual pride and arrogance, unrest, harshness, and verbal tirades. You can browse through un-moderated discussions on social media and blogs to see that this is true. Many Law-keepers eventually get banned on moderated venues for either bad behavior, posting blatant heresy, or both.
- I've received MANY emails from spouses of Law-keepers who relay drastic personality changes along the lines of the pride, arrogance, unrest, harshness, and verbal tirades variety in their Law-keeping husband/wife if the Christian spouse does not submit to the new Law-keeping paradigm. Where children are involved, there is MUCH unrest and confusion. Many marriages, I'm sorry to report, end in separation and/or divorce. One Law-keeper's wife wrote this wonderful testimony of God's Grace in her and her children's lives in the midst of living with her Law-keeping husband (one of the most-read posts at JGIG): A Hebrew Roots Wife Speaks
- A constant tearing down of Christianity (see Hebrew Roots Movement – Salesmanship 101 for more on this topic)
- They teach that Christian traditions are 'pagan' worship (see Ralph Woodrow's excellent rebuttal in "The Babylon Connection?")
- They teach that the Bible MUST be viewed through an Hebraic lens to be properly understood (see Hebrew Roots Movement – The Issue of “Hellenization” for more on this topic)
- The HRM in particular teach that Yeshua/Jesus is the 'Living Torah', reducing Christ down to a written history/code and elevating Torah to Godhood.
- As mentioned by MarcR, they teach mandatory Sabbath-keeping for salvation, along with other, cherry-picked laws.
That scratches the surface

Exposed to and studying this belief system and its fruits since 2006 and writing about it since 2008, you can learn more here:
There are lots of links and resources along with articles there examining the HRM and other Law-keeping sects. The goal there has been to help the believer to sort out what they're seeing and building them up in who they are in Christ.
Other articles of interest on this topic at JGIG:
I'm thankful to say that I've seen a plateauing of growth in the HRM in the last year or so, partly due to growing awareness in the Body, more pastors preaching the Gospel of Grace message without a mixture of Law, and the continued demonstration of bad fruit in the Hebrew Roots Movement.
I hope that helps to clarify.
Grace and peace,