I agree with what you said here exactly. It is a shock to discover that others do not see things the same way we see them but I guess that is because they either have a different role in the body (not all are prophets) or they are reprobate and cannot hope to know, unless they get saved themselves and endued with power from on high.
It is not just the simple things we see, but the
significance of those things like you said.
For instance I had a dream lately about someone I am close to who has long hair. Their hair was loose and they were standing in front of me stripped to the waist, saying "R is really angry with me". That was all the dream was, and then I woke up.
Pretty simple huh, but what does it signify?
I have learned that in prophetic dreams there is nothing INsignificant. God was showing me that a) the person had let their hair down, i.e. was relaxing to the point of lacking discipline; they were also stripped to the waist meaning they had become exposed to something, had exposed themselves willingly.... to something that R saw was not good so that R became angry. I know that this was a warning and I had to speak about it but as far as the details of what they were exposed to and how they were letting their hair down, that is none of my business until God shows me...IF He shows me. Suffice it for now that I mentioned the issue kindly and we will see what transpires.
So yes there are actually layers of truth in what God reveals, and if we approach the things He shows us in the word and through dreams/visions etc. in simplicity, the layers of meaning become clear. There is no need to intellectualize everything, filling it all up with scriptures to emphasise our case, as some do who constantly want to oppose us, because God is already infinitely more clever than we all are... so far better to be as little children in the sense of not knowing anything until our Father shows us...and then it becomes clear.....because He WANTS to show us.
I will go back and read the OP again when less tired, and reach for the multiple truths God is revealing here.