My heart goes out to you, Lisa. I was just like your son was, I lived as transgender and homosexual, and I did force it on my mother, constantly pushing it on her in order to guide her into my lifestyle and "accept" me, believing that I could only be happy if she never disagreed with me about it ever. And I did break her down until she became 100% compliant with my lifestyle.
I have come to God now, by His work, and not mine in any way. And I have come to her to tell her that I was wrong, and she has come back to God as well. Were both still loving of everyone, and do not hate anyone, but we both also want to follow the word of God, and help anyone who seeks Him find Him.
Talking to your son about God is /not/ hateful, judgmental or even condemning in anyway. We are not to judge and condemn, but they need to know that God will, if they do not repent. Dont let the secular world mislead you to believing that sharing with us the good news of Christ is somehow evil, and that God would really just want you to let them live that life happily. We are told to spread out to the four corners of the earth and share His word

You can both love your son, and pray for him to find God, and gently push him to God at the same time. If he decides to be offended by God, then its the choice he has made. But a person denying God now doesnt mean they never will, I once denied Him entirely
I will pray for you and your son.
This is totally true. It is something that can consume your life entirely, but with God, it can be overcome.