Hello Matthew
I have been adopeted with my brothers and sisters in 3 different famillies, i am delighted to hear that you would want to adopt a child rather than have your own as i am the same, however you say u are inexperienced with it i warn you that it is harder to bring up a child from foster homes depending on their upbringing just a warning to ya i have 3 sisters and 2 brothers all the others have had rough lives before adopetion, I thank god for people like you however who want to adopt and safe someone's life.
God bless
I have been adopeted with my brothers and sisters in 3 different famillies, i am delighted to hear that you would want to adopt a child rather than have your own as i am the same, however you say u are inexperienced with it i warn you that it is harder to bring up a child from foster homes depending on their upbringing just a warning to ya i have 3 sisters and 2 brothers all the others have had rough lives before adopetion, I thank god for people like you however who want to adopt and safe someone's life.
God bless
But I don't have to look any further than my own family to see the difference a loving home makes, one group of cousins are all in a bad way with crime/drugs and other various offences and looking at their lives it all began with a mother who did not work, who smoke and drank to excess and ended up being abusive towards them, sometimes using snooker cues to apply 'discipline', if I could get a child away from that kind of environment early maybe they would have a chance at turning back from the kind of life it leads too, I've only seen a little of that life but that's enough to become aware of the horror of it.
I'd strap myself in for a serious challenge but someone has to do it, these kids all deserve better than that.