From what I see, FreeNChrist and eternally-gratefull have taken sides against Nikki84.
Nikki84 was actually trying to intellectually discuss without "taking sides" -- but these two have pretty much backed Nikki into a corner (unnecessarily).
HeRoseFromTheDead further added to this fire (interestingly enough, eternally-gratefull noticed this and then jumped on their case).
All of indivuals mention above are guilty of breaking TOS by simply being rude (name-calling, inappropriate remarks) to each other.
blue_ladybug further added to this fire.
Valiant further added to this fire and sided against Nikki84 (this was directly after Nikki84 complained that the people in this thread were being "club-like" and intollerant of alternate views). Valiant used worthless words to call Nikki a fool.
Eternally-gratefull continued argument (and petty remarks) towards HeRoseFromTheDead.
Blain enters and immediately positions himself against Nikki84.
*FreeNChrist disagrees and challenges those who attempt to show love towards Nikki84 (PeterJens).
Nikki84 remains mostly unwilling to discuss because Nikki84 still feels like the outcast. Rightfully so--a vast majority of people have drawn a line and dug their trenches. It's too bad we view this forum as a warzone as opposed to a loving-each-other zone.
The problem as I see it, the grace only crowd would call righteous conduct a "works based salvation".
We are saved FOR righteous conduct/good works; not by righteous conduct/good works. Big difference.
Please tell them that. They, imo, think any work for God is not warrented. From what I have witnessed here with this new gospel is its a do nothing gospel. I don't get it. Any move to do Gods will seems like evil to them. I can't understand it.
Only if you listen to people like herosefromthedead, and other people who lie about what we believe.
No sir, i have seen it here. I'm trying to understand this phenomenon and you and your friends ganged up on me. Further proof I need to stay away from this false gospel.
Dude all I did was ask you a question. and you are still attacking people. not responding to them
I did not gang up on you.
These guys your condemning, they do not teach what you believe.
History is only as good as scripture supports it.
History will not tell you what I believe, Or what other people in here believe.
Your misusing history to keep your own belief in tact. That's not a good use of history..
The jews tried that, They crucified Christ because of it. (that and extra-biblical writings not inspired by God)
oh and by the way, Rom 3: 23/ Does that not say no one is qualified.
Why did you not answer my post?
So, you have not read any dead authors? Why am I wasting time with an extremely limited person telling me I'm wrong? I'm not responding to your self expressed ignorance
It seems here that Nikki84's frustration has caused the conversation to deteriorate--much to the point of her/him not being able to reasonably discuss because she/he is still stuck on being hurt.
Neither party has understood the other and so they are both stuck in this loop of misunderstanding and frustration.
How did both Nikki84 and Eternally-gratefull both end up feeling "attacked"? I can easily see how Nikki84 felt attacked (virtually no one supported her/his position--I wish I had understood her/his postion earlier, for I would have supported).
Posthuman shows he fully understands the situation here.
Meanwhile, Budman has begun attacking HeRoseFromTheDead. HeRoseFromTheDead returns fire.
My suggestion: Refrain from the short, petty remarks and weightless accusations. Attempt to understand another's point of view before you attack their point of view. Try hard, to show love. I will be working on myself and praying God continues to do His work(s) in me.