Water baptism is a Representative ceremony,
(not a magic formula for 'getting right' with God,
as some ppl erroneously teach.)
Going under the water represents your identification
with Jesus' death on the cross.
It means that when He died,
He died to pay for your sins,
and your 'going under' represents outwardly,
your 'death to self'.
Inwardly, this is done by grace through faith in Jesus.
Jesus died in your place, and you're acknowledging that
in a public ceremony, that it was you who was
deserving of the penalty which Jesus paid.
When you come up out of the water, it represents
the fact that Jesus rose from death and the grave,
and is alive forevermore.
It represents that now that Jesus is your Lord and Savior,
you are identified as a new creation in Christ,
you are passed from death to life, your sins are forgiven,
and you've been given the gift of eternal life.
Again, this ceremonial 'rising from the dead'
(from under water)
represents publicly that the
Risen Jesus Christ IS your Lord and Savior.
There are many bible verses that exemplify this,
but perhaps you may want to take the following one
and tuck it in your heart, and may the Lord
bless you richly during your wonderful ceremony,
and grant you peace and joy in His everlasting love.
~~~Galatians2:20 kjv~~~
'I am crucified with Christ:
nevertheles I live; yet not I,
but Christ lives in me:
and the life I now live in the flesh
I live by the faith of the Son of God,
who loved me, and gave himself for me.'
Praise the Lord, and congratulations!