Beware of the "straw-man!"
A straw-man approach, or argument, is a tactic often described as a logical fallacy. It is the practice of presenting a simplified and often inaccurate summary of an opponent's views, then attacking that summary and concluding that you have thereby won the argument.
The problem with it is that the presenter usually does not accurately represent the opponent's views, so what he is attacking is actually a "straw-man", not the actual thing itself.
In the grace vs works is an example of the above "straw-man" technique in action.
...people against the grace of our Lord Jesus talked about here will say.."..the gospel of grace believers say "you don't have to obey Christ" and you can do whatever sin you want!" ( this is their straw-man )
Everyone knows that true Christians obey Christ....everyone knows that sinning is wrong and will destroy us....which is why Jesus came to save us from. ( This is their attack on the straw-man )
Thus the "straw-man" is killed off and so their original premise shows the validity of their argument. This is not even remotely the truth.
All real believers in grace say we do in fact obey Christ and that obedience is sourced from the new life that is in our new creation that is in Christ nor is it ok to sin all you want because true grace teaches us how to live godly in this present world. (Titus 2:11-12)
It doesn't matter how many times we say that grace does not mean to NOT obey Christ nor is it a licence to sin. It is just what some people hear or sometimes deliberately say that is what is being said.
What is happening is that people are "hearing" something else other then what is actually being said by believers in the grace of Jesus as outlined in the word of God or they don't like it because that is not what they were taught in their church or religious upbringing.
This is the difference in the truth and a deception. The truth will always point to Jesus words, Jesus words are truth. Jesus words tell you exactly what I have said to you. the difference in your doctrine and mine is mine agrees with Jesus words, to support yours you need to search scriptures to make it seem as if Jesus words aren't the ones that matter most. My " false doctrine" is simple, and the reason I have full confidence in it is simple. this is my doctrine. Go to the gospel as recorded in matthew mark luke and John, search Jesus words, pray to God for enlightenment, humble yourselves before His word accept His words as the Lords Word of truth despite what you thought you knew. realize this is Jesus words, Jesus, the Lord. that's why I will not compromise apart from Him. everything the world needs to know is found in Jesus Christ and His words. that's Gods Word. My doctrine, is to follow Jesus words because He is the Lord.
What makes any other doctrine false, is when Jesus said different. if pauls words seem to disagree with Jesus words, its because you don't undersrand it, not because he is opposed to them. truth will always be decided by the words of Christ Jesus, no ones idea or saying what the world wants to hear will change Gods truth. so from here forward this is how to identify the truth and a deception. If Jesus opposes your thinking, you are wrong, Not Jesus. and the repentance belongs to you, not His word. Obedeince to Gods word, is Life, rejecting it is death. regardless if we think were saved no matter what we choose to do.
if you believe, you will do. that's true belief. if you Love Jesus, you will accept and obey Jesus and not look for ways to disregard HIS WORDS, wich I have repeated over and over to you all. obey the Lord is Life, from the beginning wioth adam and eve, till Jesus day, and now until the end of the earth, obey the Lord and you will Live, reject The Lords word and you will die. Grace forgavr all we were, applied who He is to us. Now there is Life and death because of Grace, before Grace came, there was only death. Life is in the teachings of Christ. walking in the truth of them is obedience to them. it is not unclear as you would have it seem. its just the stepping into the Light that our deeds are exposed. no one wants to hear they HAVE to repent of things opposed to God. Grace is distorted is it is not bound to obey Jesus, it is part of Him, Just as His authority and teachings are part of Him. obedience and Grace are one thing, the gift is obedience to Jesus.
its not that I don't hear you guys, its that your words are in opposition to Jesus words. so the "straw man" thing lol is really kind of your deal. if my words are the same as JESUS , and yours are opposed to JESUS .......someone should look into His words alone