Amen...great question!..and the other question is ..."Just what are the commandments of Jesus?"
A very big factor in looking at scripture is the "lens" you use to view the scripture.
In the Old Covenant " you had to do or else"..If you do this..then I God will do that.." = conditional on the person performing
New Covenant = Jesus has done it for you which empowers you to "do"
Here are these 2 mindsets.
Jesus said.." If you love Me, you will keep My commandments"
Old Covenant mindset = conditional on the person "doing"..so they would read it this way.."IF you love Me you will keep My commandments"
..in their mind this verse is saying.."Keep My commandment and this will prove you love Me." Conditional
New Covenant mindset = it's a description of who you are in Christ . they would see this "Jesus' love is in me so I keep His commandments"
..it stems out of relationship , it is the very life of Christ flowing out of us because of our new creation in Him.
It is not conditional but descriptive of the believer's true nature because they are in Christ.
A very big factor in looking at scripture is the "lens" you use to view the scripture.
In the Old Covenant " you had to do or else"..If you do this..then I God will do that.." = conditional on the person performing
New Covenant = Jesus has done it for you which empowers you to "do"
Here are these 2 mindsets.
Jesus said.." If you love Me, you will keep My commandments"
Old Covenant mindset = conditional on the person "doing"..so they would read it this way.."IF you love Me you will keep My commandments"
..in their mind this verse is saying.."Keep My commandment and this will prove you love Me." Conditional
New Covenant mindset = it's a description of who you are in Christ . they would see this "Jesus' love is in me so I keep His commandments"
..it stems out of relationship , it is the very life of Christ flowing out of us because of our new creation in Him.
It is not conditional but descriptive of the believer's true nature because they are in Christ.
Different thread, same argument, same simple answer.
Thanks again, bud.