Just because you have been forgiven of your sins does not mean you are eternally saved.the wrath of god comes on the sons of disobedience.God does not approve of sinning.and if a person who is born again and still can't stop all base sins is a baby.to partake of divine nature one need to stop all conscience sin.Jesus is coming for the first fruits,the others will left behind in the rapture and those that died in Christ will also take.all of you quote many scriptures according to the light one has.when a person stops sinning and is cleansing one self in the light and fellowship one has with God.sin is darkness and obedience is light for God dwells in the light.this is the whole thing about the word became flesh though Jesus had sin in flesh that he got from mary,yet sin and the enemy could not make him sin against God.jesus had a flesh all his earthly life.condemed all sin the flesh and the father said this ny beloved son.so if one stops sinning according to the light one has.God will let you receive more opportunties to grow even more.let us press on to perfection if God permits.john and james asked Jesus can we sit in the right and left of you? Jesus said it is not for me to give,but of my father will give it to whom it is prepared for.those seats are for those who gets the most of the life of Jesus here on this earthly lifetime.that is the bride of Christ.so if your understanding and doctrines do not produce the life if Jesus who did no sin than your undestanding is wrong.Jesus is our forerunner and example.if your not getting the results that Jesus got who are you following ? This the new testament the new and living way which Jesus openned up for us through his flesh.in the old testament they could not be obedient and keep the law.but now we keep and fulfill the law.in the old testament the only part of the law they understood was the letter of the law but the spiritual part they could not understand was the spititual part and they had not the strenght of the Spirit to accomplish this.but Christ came and fulfillid the letter of the law and the spiritual part also thou shall not covet and he opened a new and living way.new because it never was done before and living because it is now liveable for those who trully love The lord and his coming.
Ephesians 2:8For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God,[/QUOTE]
Ephesians 2:8For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God,[/QUOTE]