If I could include 500 pages in this thread dedicated solely to statistics, everyone would still dismiss them, because they don't fit with the general opinion of adoption.
On the other hand, if I began posting fabricated statistics that support the claims that adoption is a wonderfully loving and godly thing, then everyone would agree with the findings.
You may be right that some people would cling to their own views in the face of evidence to the contrary, when discussing issues as serious and sometimes personal as this one it's tough to set aside your own experience and be truly objective.
I think you have this problem just as readily as anyone else, which is probably why multiple threads have gone into multiple pages with very little ground conceded.
None of us can know for certain the ratio of postive and necessary adoptions, i.e. abandonment, versus the number of forced/coereced adoptions you speak of in such detail.
It seems talking about statics is pointless because unless they include every single case that has ever existed we will never know just how 'good' or 'evil' adoption really is, especially when it is so loosely defined.
I started a thread on this a while ago that led to your passionate attempt to enlighten us all and I respect that you have been trying to shine a light on a serious form of abuse, but what I have learned is kind of what I suspected right from the start, I have watched your videos and I remain convinced that there are times adoption is a good thing, just not the best thing.
But as we all know in life sometimes the best thing just isn't available and it is important to give great credit to those who have adopted under the right circumstances, recognise the great good they have done and generosity they have shown.
It is also important to remember that there is a dark side and not be seduced by the idea that babies are a commodity there to be bought and paid for by anyone who would like one.
In the end if we all take a step back and try to leave our pre-conceptions outside we'd probably all agree, I feel satisfied I've considered every argument you've put forward, I concede that you are right, you are just not right all of the time.