My daily walk with Jesus is amazing bro! I am so filled with His joy, peace, and love! I still have struggles sometimes with do people want me around and some vulnerability issues, but He's working me through it.
I love Jesus and He loves me.
And the more I realize He loves me, the more I love Him. And I'm filled with Him. (Eph 3:19)
I don't usually talk about my life, because I'd rather show it.
But just to give you an idea, I pray for people often, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, I don't lie (even something that could be a half truth I try to clear up quickly), I give money to people as I feel lead, I talk to people so often about Jesus, I also love to help people discover truths in Scripture, I've seen soo many miracles, I share with strangers how God feels about them (and see them break down and cry), I've seen numerous people saved by sharing my testimonies, I pray daily, I read Scripture often, I worship almost daily, I am thankful often, I've seen people delivered of panic, anxiety, fear, and all kinds of crazy stuff. I've seen God set people free of suicide, sins, etc. One time I told my friend as I felt lead by God that his relationship with his girlfriend, wasn't right, and he said wow God was just talking to me about that, and they slept in separate rooms and got married like a week or 2 later, it was crazy.
I worked in a homeless discipleship program and watched people's lives become transformed as they understand more about God, they reconciled with families, it was incredible. One time I ran out of food, and my friend came over with groceries because "God told Him to". I can give you so many radical stories. I've had so many people say, wow I didn't know God was so real. When they truly meet Him.
I'm telling you when people really get a hold of how incredible He is, we won't be able to stop them from coming to the church haha...
Think about it: What is sin? Death, destruction, anger, malice, slander, lying, stealing, murder, ugh. These are all dark nasty things! What is religion? Whatever takes place of relationship with Him. It's all ugly stuff.
But He is beautiful. Glorious. Majestic. Vibrant. He is Light, Love, Truth, Wisdom!
And His Kingdom is peace, joy, and righteousness.
And I believe all these things are possible for ANYONE. And I have dedicated my life that people will walk in an incredible relationship with their Father! Because He is amazing!!!
I used to drink, do drugs, smoke, I was a womanizer, I was so negative, critical, I slept in pews as a child, church was boring to me, the Bible made no sense to me, life was just meaningless.
And then He stepped in. And I believe He will step into peoples' lives everywhere I go!!!
Love you Chester and please don't take my comment the wrong way, I usually won't share these things with people who don't know me, but I just want to answer your question as honestly as I can, so you would see my heart behind my words.
None of this about me, but it is about Him. He got my heart and He hasn't let go.
P.S. I do not believe anyone's view of repentance will send them to hell. But I do believe turning to Jesus will set them free and free to love with radical abandon. And they will see the epistles the Spirit of God has written on our hearts.
Please let's talk beyond avoiding sin, and get into chasing love. Turning away from sin yes, but keep turning until you see Love face to face. And He sets you ablaze.
So we wind up with two views of repentance: and both sides feel the other's view is at best very insufficient and at worst heretical and leading others into eternal hell!
I am not going to further argue or give my two cents on the meaning of repentance.
I will ask each person a personal question: How are you living personally/daily with God? Are you living in victory and thus bringing honor and glory to the kingdom of God? Or, are you hiding secret sins that no one on this forum (and maybe those around you) knows about?
So, how is your view of repentance actually working out in your daily walk?