This is why I'm confused. I just love Jesus and try to share that love with others. And part of following Jesus is to follow His teachings but I don't feel right judging people. :/
I'm not even talking about bringing up that sin at all every time you're around someone that has a same sex attraction. Do I struggle with same sex attraction? No, I never have, but I can promise you I have done things that could turn anyone's nose up in judgment at me, (and rightly so) I can promise you. I can also say that a lot of my biggest shames involved things that I could justify with "I was born that way, it was natural instinct", easily. My point being that as a Christian I have NO ROOM AT ALL to judge anyone. The thing is I have found a God that has called us all, and made a way to reconcile us all back to Himself as He intended for it to be in the beginning anyway.
Not only is this true He is also willing to forgive even people as bad as me, yes as bad as me, to Himself and remake us better than we ever could be on our own, reveal Himself, and give us a peace and sense of wholeness this world CAN NOT offer EVER.
I like to try to focus on the real things and not get lost in the little topical meaningless back and forth that so dominates the world today. As Christians we are called to LOVE even our enemies, so in my opinion any Christian that says "I love Christ, but hate gay's" is a hypocrite and does NOT know the true mercy of Christ . So I agree with you as far as we don't need to hate, or beat them over the head about a specific sin, but to be honest with them about Jesus Christ at all cost. He wants them just as much as He did us, and has called us to love and represent Him to them as well. Just my view.