It does not matter what you say, It is what God demands.
You want to live a life worthy of salvation. You have to be perfect. That is not my standard that is Gods.
People can say things that are almost meaningless. Gods standard is perfect.
Gods law is perfect
As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.
2 Sam 22:31
Be assured that my words are not false; one who has perfect knowledge is with you.
Job 36:4
The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
Psalm 19:7
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.
Isiah 26:3
So to walk in Jesus's ways is perfect as He fulfills the law, and in love of God and love of
our neighbour is the fulfillment of the law, so we walk in perfection.
But in their minds this is a legalistic catch, because for them walking with Jesus is failure, and
self condemnation, because they have tried to obey Christ and the sermon on the mount and
found without a transformed heart they cannot. So rather than seeking transformation they
have abandoned the faith and said the intention of God is that we fail to follow in His power.
Well I suppose it is an honest testmony to where they are, but this is not the testimony
of Gods people.