i'm so sorry sister, i ask for forgiveness just for the group i am part of that has hurt you, but we are not all like that.
the healing class im in teaches that there are two streams to healing the supernatural, and the natural. they teach that it is not just about your faith, and it is a battle! that you fight against the enemy. you build scripture and you fight a war. yes some people are blessed and are healed instantly, i have a friend whos mom walked out of her wheel chair. but i went through a war with my mom, we saw the cancer ravage her, but we stood our ground and fought with Gods word, and after 3 long years we won our war.
if you would like to talk about WoF i am open, thought it might be easier to Pm than to do it here lol
I obviously did not give enough background on my encounters with the Word Faith, leading you to misunderstand me.
My friend who was originally a Pentecostal, at a very hard time in her life (her husband started sleeping around, then left her for another woman!) started getting involved with WoF. Since we were good friends, she gave me all the books she had been studying. This was back in about 1984-85.
I started with Kenyon, then moved onto Hagin, and then Copeland. Lots of Copeland, which is where my friend settled and got ordained. Of course, there are now newer people involved as leaders in this heresy, but I have not spend a lot of time studying them. My friend had been a mentor, when I was a young Christian, at first I did not realize how badly deceived she was. I talked this whole heresy over with another friend, who was a Catholic. Now, I have no use at all for the RCC, but she was wise in this regard. She had also been through the WF - given books, in her case, so her husband would stop drinking, sleeping around and get saved. It never happened.
She warned me to look at the other side and study the verses in these books in context. This was my first introduction to context. I still was not convinced the doctrine was wrong. But, on the other hand, I really had nothing wrong going on in my life, good jobs, marriage, wonderful family and no financial problems. So I never had to apply anything to my life.
Then, I got sick. Really sick. Really, really sick! And I couldn't get a diagnosis, because I was sero-negative, and the first 3 doctors seemed to be dreadfully uninformed about the fact that 30% of all people with RA are sero-negative. It was then, these two old friends, who had gotten totally wrapped up in Word Faith came back into my life, and were putting me down because I was not healed. We moved away to another province, but I kept in touch with both friends. That is when I heard of their health problems, and one friend died, because she refused treatment, and the other got medical treatment and is doing well.
In seminary, we did not actually study the Word Faith heresy. We seemed to keep to older, more established heresies. But I did learn the original languages, and good hermeneutics or Bible interpretation. Whenever this heresy came up in a forum, I would look deeper and deeper into why it was so wrong, and in fact evil, because of not just how emotionally damaged I was by the cruel remarks, but because my friend died, rather than get the offered help for her cancer.
Then a new friend, got sucked into Word Faith heresy, mainly from internet videos. Another friend and I spent a lot of time working with her, praying with and for her. I finally got the pamphlet "The Disease of the Health and Wealth Gospels" by Gordon D. Fee. He is one of the top Greek scholars in the world, and a life time Pentecostal. He carefully breaks down the lies and deceit in the Word Faith movement. I would suggest it would be a good pamphlet for you to read, and to start learning where the terrible errors in Bible interpretation the Word Faith movement lie.
So, thanks for your apology, but after 30 years of being aware of this heresy, you really have nothing to teach me! In fact, we really do need to get back into the Scriptures, perhaps in another thread, and I will show you exactly where your teachers have gone fatally wrong. The Greek and Hebrew are important, but the errors are easy to understand without more than a basic understanding of the original languages.
I would love to discuss the Bible verses, the basic ones that show how and why this is a heresy. However, I have nothing to lose, and I would like to do it publicly. That way, others who have been sucked into this lie from the devil, or have left the WoF movement, discouraged and despairing, can find out the Bible case against this terrible doctrine, from the pit of hell!