I think I would have to tell her that it's obvious she's in a serious relationship--with her phone--and just doesn't have room in her life for anyone else right now.
Of course, this would about 99.9% of the phone-carrying population right now.
People tease me because I'm still in the Dark Ages (no Facebook, no smart phone), but I still have no need for these things and plan to go on that way for as long as I can.
Part of the reason is because I want to try to actually pay attention to other people.
LOL yeah, looks like I have competition and have no chance of winning. Yeah, that's one of my pet peeves. When I watch a show/movie with family or with close friends, we make it a habit to
not use our phones, unless it's an emergency call, until the show is over. I'm finding the younger generation doing this a lot and it's really, really annoying.
There was this one time, my younger co-worker (she's 21) and I decided to watch a movie. Throughout the entire movie, she was just texting, occasionally glancing at the screen. Why she even bothered, I have no idea. She's obviously watching a better movie on her phone. After, she kept asking me about the dude that died and I'm like, "ugh go watch the movie again."