Doubtful it would help. Most people haven't read the rules or even clicked on the link below:
Rules - Christian Chat Rooms & Forums
The sticky at the top of some forum had listed an essential of faith, but I believe I read that the mods and admin want discussion and various positions on topics. Which is why they don't hold to "you must believe like me exactly or be called a heretic and banned" and this don't post a statement of faith as you ask.
This isn't a church but more a meeting place.
I believe the mods do great for unpaid volunteers.
The nature of debate is that people don't agree on the topic. Personally I believe a video or manual demonstrating what is acceptable and what is bankable might be helpful.
For example, people learning to talk about the topic and not the person.
I found this site about logical fallacies that many might benefit from learning and maybe avoid doing in the future...
Rules - Christian Chat Rooms & Forums
The sticky at the top of some forum had listed an essential of faith, but I believe I read that the mods and admin want discussion and various positions on topics. Which is why they don't hold to "you must believe like me exactly or be called a heretic and banned" and this don't post a statement of faith as you ask.
This isn't a church but more a meeting place.
I believe the mods do great for unpaid volunteers.
The nature of debate is that people don't agree on the topic. Personally I believe a video or manual demonstrating what is acceptable and what is bankable might be helpful.
For example, people learning to talk about the topic and not the person.
I found this site about logical fallacies that many might benefit from learning and maybe avoid doing in the future...
my point was: People here claim "the mods have stated so - and - such subject is not allowed"
IF this is true, there should indeed be a section telling us so