The problem is people think God will NEVER heal them. It is true that he doesn't heal right away because he wants you to stick close to him but don't ever put a time table on your/someone else's healing. That is for God to decide.
He healed me right away once. So right away, I didn't even get the expected reaction. I'm allergic to bees. The first time I found this out, I stepped on one. My foot and leg swelled so much, it wouldn't even let me walk on it. (I would think it would, but it would hurt to do so, but I didn't even get that. For some reason, I couldn't even hobble on it.) Three weeks before I could walk again.
So the next time, I was stung in the hand, I did my usual calm and collected thing -- freaked completely -- and my soon-to-be husband calmed me enough to lay hands and pray for it. Nothing happened. Not even that looks-like-a-mosquito-bite thing people who aren't allergic to bees get. Instant healing.
The chronic UTI thing took longer, but mostly because we simply didn't think to pray about it since antibiotics worked. But when it hit, yet again, one night, hubby did lay hands and pray. Instant healing yet again. (I feel so dumb for forgetting to ask for two years. lol)
Gallstones? Nothing. God didn't heal me of the gallstones, and after the operation, when I was pulled off the operating table, they pinched a nerve in my back that directly relates to pain around my waist. Prayed for that one for years. (Doctors wouldn't tell me it was back damage, so I couldn't sue the surgeon, until the statute of limitations was over for a long time. THEN they suddenly knew what was wrong with me.)
I figure God's not healing me of this one, since it has gotten worse, and now it's all of my spine. As often as I've prayed for it, I've gotten NO clearly by now.
Will I be healed? Nope. Instead I get new, incorruptible body later on.