New-Age Bibles, the Alexandrian Text and the great controversy...
.Part 1
I would like to establish that I am not a King Jams only subscriber. The 16[SUP]th[/SUP] century bibles Tyndale, Geneva, Bishops etc. are excellent bibles, all translated for the Majority Greek Text. However they were not quite as purified in the language punctuation to the degree of the KJB. Mainly because the language was still developing to its height at the end of the `16[SUP]th[/SUP] century. Williams Tyndale’s bible is most excellent translation, as it was he who developed many words in the English language by combing old Middle English with Koine Greek verbiage as well as the Hebrew, forming such beautiful prose and words as (
mercy seat, showbread, atonement, passover, scapegoat, and Jehovah taken form the Hebrew YHWH,) along with a multitude of others. He is actually the father of modern fluent English, he would become the most influential – though unrecognized – translator of English in history.
Truly, for Tyndale and for us, “a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver” (Proverbs 25:11). William Tyndale: The Father of English Prose
Majority Text, Antioch Text, Byzantine Text are all from the same families of manuscripts which though a traceable chain of evidence agree with each other 95%. These names are interchangeable when referencing them as the Textus Receptus, or the
majority received text, consisting of about 5400 Greek manuscripts. Most of these were compiled between 1505-1641...Many of the manuscripts came to western Europe from Constantinople in the middle to later part of the 15th century because of the invasions by the Ottoman Empire. They are the manuscripts that Erasmus gathered for 20 years around the known libraries of the world for the purpose of putting into print the first Greek/Latin 16h century bible, (1515) shortly after the discovery of the printing press.
The Textus Receptus (TR) belongs to the stream of early apostolic manuscripts from Antioch. This set of manuscripts was the bible of early Christian faith. The opposing Dr. Hort even admits this when he says,
"It is no wonder that the traditional Constantinopolitan text, whether formally official or not, was the Antiochian text of the fourth century. It was equally natural that the text recognized at Constantinople should eventually become in practice the standard New Testament of the East." (Revision Revised, John Burgon, p. 134.) Regardless of where you stand on the "textual debate," this is the fact; the foundational text of all English bible New Testament translations beginning with William Tyndale in 1525 up unto 1880 was from the Antioch, Byzantine, or Majority Text group which consists of about 5400 manuscripts. The only exception to this was the RCC Douay Rheims NT of 1582. Hence, all of the bibles from Tyndale to King James were taken from the harmonious majority text (the Textus Receptus).
The majority text manuscripts have in agreement within them by far the vast majority of copies of the original text. So vast, is this majority that even the enemies of the TR admit that 95% of all Greek manuscripts are of this nature. Actually, in number, 99% of all the manuscripts that exist in the world are of the Byzantine text family or Traditional text family. They also agree with the earliest versions of the Pershitta bible (150 AD) ....Hence, only 45 of the 5400 manuscripts followed the minority or Alexandrian type text group, also known as the
Critical Text, which amounts to less than 1%, yet are esteemed by scholars in all the new-age bibles since West-Cott & Hort. Thus establishing "the oldest and most reliable" myth. In any case, the "oldest" argument is a red herring because "oldest" is not necessarily equivalent to "best." And now that more truith has been revealed we find out that they are not the oldest either. These few manuscripts supposedly disappeared from use from the fourth century until the late nineteenth century leaving no chain of evidence to their validity. Therefore, today, what passes for 'the original Greek' is indeed both modern and corrupted and must be approved under final authority of the Vatican through Nestle Aland.
The church throughout history never used these Alexandrian manuscripts (Vaticanus, Sinaiticus). They always knew that these manuscripts were corrupt. Therefore, Erasmus, having access to all libraries in Europe, including the Vatican, discarded them when sent to him for review by Cardinal Paulus Bombasius in 1521 who was in regular correspondence with Erasmus during the time of the great
1 John 5-7 controversy. The Vaticanus, Codex 1209, appears to be written around 1475 AD, at least 1100 years after what they claim it to be... A number of unpublished letters of Paulus Bombasius are housed in the Vatican Library. He informed Erasmus that the Vatican Library held an old copy of the Scriptures (i.e. the Codex Vaticanus,
codex b,
1209; or
03 Gregory Aland ,) written on 759 leaves of vellum in
Uncials, (capital letters minus punctuation), extremely poor and sloppy work, and not that of qualified scribes.
"It was written by three scribes" according to the Encyclopedia Britannica which goes on to state that then much later changes were made by two other scribes (Encyclopedia Britannica - 11th Edition; vol.3; p879). The claim is that went dormant and unnoticed in the Vatican Library for many years until it became known to textual scholars in 1475. There is now proof that it originated in the latter part of the 15[SUP]th[/SUP] century. It could never gain favour among scholars until Tishendorph magical produced the Sinaticus in the middle 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century. It has no chain of evidence. Fenton Hort who was seeking to undermine the text from Antioch needed a second witness to the Vaticanus, and said he was sure that Tishendorph would provide him with rich new material before the committee at Oxford began in 1871. Note: there was no blood shed or persecution in defense of these corrupted text.
The Vaticanus was used by the RCC.
"Pope Sixtus V made it the basis of an edition of the Greek Old Testament in 1580" (The New Archeological Discoveries and Their Bearing Upon the New Testament by Camden M. Cobern; published by Funk and Wagnalls 1922; p.136). There are some paleographers that believe that the principal scribe who prepared this codex could not even read Greek, because spaces sometimes appear in the middle of a word. It is to be believed it was a continuation of writers and quite possibly begging with Origin’s Hexapla. The Septuagint LXX contains only about a third of the OT. This LXX proved to be very inaccurate therefore they still use the Hebrew Text for the OT in the post 1880 bibles. See
What is the Septuagint?
Note: the LXX (Septuagent) began being written around 250 AD. It is not a BC era translation that it is hyped to be. But that is another subject all together.
In fact, the Vatican kept Vaticanus manuscript sequestered and took great pains to be sure it was not readily available to outsiders for about another 400 years, when the time was right for new-age propaganda (the critical text movement) questioning the validity of the Received Text from Antioch (TR) along with a massive attack on the KJV. It was not published to scholars until it was issued in five different volumes between 1828 - 1838. From 1843-1866, leading scholars Constantine von Tischendorf and S.P. Tregelles were allowed to look at it for a few hours, but not allowed to copy the manuscript. So it was not really a
new discovery by Tischendorf in the 19th century, as the false Pundits proclaim, although the Sinaiticus
codex Aleph (A) was a new discovery, but
"The entire manuscript has had the text mutilated, every letter has been run over with a pen, making exact identification of many of the characters impossible." (Vaticanus and Sinaiticus - ww.waynejackson. freeserve. /v2.htm).
Eugene Scott, collector of manuscripts notes"the manuscript is faded in places; scholars think it was overwritten letter by letter in the 10th or 11th century, with accents and breathing [marks] added along with corrections from the 8th, 10th and 15th centuries. All this activity makes precise paleographic analysis impossible. Missing portions were supplied in the 15th century by copying other Greek manuscripts." (Codex Vaticanus by Dr. W. Eugene Scott, 1996).
The Uncials or Majuscules ; Uncial comes from the Latin word uncialis, which means inch-high. It is used to delineate a type of Greek and Latin writing which features capital letters. There are few, if any, divisions between words in uncial manuscripts and no punctuation to speak of. The word majuscule, meaning large or capital letter, is a synonym for uncial. There are some 267 uncials. Three of the most famous uncial New Testament manuscripts are the fourth century manuscripts Sinaiticus and Vatican-us and the fifth century Codex Alexandrius. Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D. The Dean Burgon Society's 2000 Annual Meeting, The Great Uncials?