Natalia, how was or is the relationship between your Mom and her Mom? My Mom and I have had our differences but normal stuff. My Mom has never been an emotional person, my Grandmother wasn't either. I am, I was and still am a cuddly . I had severe separation anxiety as a child. School was horrible for me. My Mom didn't quite get it. I have a good Mom and now she looks back and says things like, I should have hugged more. She hugged and cuddled her Grandchildren a lot, so I think she felt she missed out on that with us.
Your Mom may not understand her actions because that's what she grew up with maybe?
Your Mom may not understand her actions because that's what she grew up with maybe?
Her and her mom are very close. They argue over the small things, and she grew up poor and was a very... rebellious child and got emancipated at 16. She did not get emancipated because she didn't like her mother; they have a very close relationship