well, i guess you guys are right. i have to figure out a way to tell my parents. but i still dont understand. even thought my parents have no idea…how am i lying to them? i mean, i really respect them. but i just dont really think im causing them harm
You're not causing THEM harm, you're causing YOU harm.
If you have nice, loving parents and you have a good relationship with them, you shoud tell them.
If you don't, it means you feel guilty too. If both you and this fellow are available (I now YOU are) then there should be no problem in talking about this relationship.
BTW, Where does he live in Italy?
Maybe I could go meet up with him!!
Take it easy.
Stay with your real friends.
You might meet someone you really like Tomorrow.
Personally I think girls should stay away from guys till they're at least THIRTY!!
Just kidding.
Be careful.