So many red flags it's hard to know where to start! I'll try and touch on a few things I didn't see mentioned. Maybe I'm going to be harsh, but I hope you will read all I have to say.
1. Codependency! When life without the person is "hell" and you can't get away from them, even though they are not what you want, that is a sick relationship. I would suggest this will happen with anyone, Virgin or not! You are enmeshed, rather than in love. Please google these terms.
2. Mama's boy? Or not! Always bad to compare someone to mama, regardless of how much you love your mama. Plus, this whole mama versus sluts (basically what you feel your girlfriend is for sleeping with someone!) is a sign of a serious mental problem on you part. No one can really compare with mama, ever! Not if she was a virgin, you would find something else to compare, and hold it against her for not being up there with your mother. Try this link:
3. Are you are Christian or merely baptized as a baby, perhaps an Orthodox Church, being Bulgarian?! My grandparents were saved Orthodox, but there is a myth that baptizing gets you into heaven, rather than faith in Christ. Eight pages and not once have you talked about your faith in Christ. You show appalling ignorance of the Bible, especially even dating an avowed non-Christian, but holding her up to Christian standards. You have no understanding of forgiveness, only that she needs to repent to YOU, not God, for something she does not know is wrong, being worldly.
Have you received Christ as Saviour, or are you relying on church/baptism/etc for salvation? Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to MacDonald's makes you a hamburger.
4. You are asexual? This means without sexual desire. That means you may never want a sexual relationship. Is it fair to marry any women if you are asexual? You need to see a doctor if this is the case. If not, and you are saving yourself for marriage, that is NOT asexual. But, make sure you know the difference.
5. What they all said above!! If you really are a Christian, which I doubt, bring unequally yoked would be a lifetime sin! Chew on that a bit!