However, in your gospel. It is. Your dependent on Self continuing to believe, and not God keeping you from falling from faith.
Language is a strange thing. If salvation is not dependent on our response then all
are saved.
If we need to respond, repent, confess and trust, have faith, believe Gods heart and
intention through the cross, then equally the opposite is also possible.
This is why people who follow this road end up fatalists or universalists.
If you cannot cope that love requires two parties to agree and walk together,
then how is this a loving relationship or founded on friendship and worship of
the Lord and all the good things He does?
It is like the possibility of failure is so catastrophic, the ultimate nightmare of a
legalists, faith for these believers is the exact opposite, there are no rules and
no way once accepted to ever lose it.
I cannot relate to this concept because it is connected to a way of having relationships
in which there is no individual, one is a group identity without responsibility. So the leaders
take the parental role guiding the sheep, and the evil wolves have to be weeded out and the
sheep protected. So the enemy become other believers who must be diabolical or else they
would just accept this view of the world and Jesus.
The real test is are you interested in truth and love or just belonging? If you just want to
belong, bingo, you have arrived, but if you want to walk in the Kingdom and learn and listen
and walk, you actually have to do these things and actually apply yourself.
So much this is the opposite of this easy believism, if you do not accept the version they share,
you are evil, beyond recognition. And not surprisingly this is all they share, because this is actually
all they have, there is no real change or nuance, it is seeing the mess one is, and just appreciating
God loves you, and it is ok. It is like turning up to a building site and it is only half built, though the
plans are everywhere and declaring this was the intention of the builder and we should leave it well
alone, because it is up to Him to finish the job, even though the plans say specifically what we are
to do, that would be working for your self and not the builder, even though you were called, recruited
and instructed to build precisely according to the instructions.
What we are called to live a Holy life, guess what, it means live a Holy life.
If you do not understand what this means, study the bible some more and follow what it says.