80% of the time, in the US, someone who is 17 during the Christmas holiday will be a senior in high school, graduating in half a year, and they'll be 18 when they graduate. If this son is only a junior, that tells me he's closer to 16 than 17. That would make me hit "reproach."
But they really are dating, not having sex, and there is an assumption they're both Christians, so sex should be off the table throughout dating.
So what reproach? It really sounds like the assumption is they are having sex. Rather a sad statement to think, assuming both are Christians.
I agree completely, we can’t assume the relationship is currently sexual.
But the issues of “their church”knowingly allowing a relationship between a 17 year old
and a 26 year old in high profile positions could be a problem. Someone at least needs
to be aware of it, giving guidance on the matter or ... how can I put this..... making them
aware of their responsibilities and being caring enough give them some guidance deflecting
any problems, both for them and the church.
Who knows in a few years it might turn out that they are both right for each other, equally
it could be a complete disaster. Even worse it could be a complete disaster with a baby on
the way. Then people will ask why did the church not say anything.
If they are rignt for each other what’s wrong with waiting just a while and just being
Maybe my concept of dating is incorrect as it’s not really a common phrase over here.
But I get the impression dating is like sampling the candy in the shop until you
decide which is your favourite, then pushing the boundaries further to be sure?
Im thinking as well that a 17 year old will have very different life experience and
emotional experience and wisdom, to a 26 year old. Although granted there can be some
very worldly wise 17 years olds and some very naive 26 year olds.
As you say the age difference would not be such an issue if they were older.