I understand that it's life.... Im just venting as well....Me time? I never said I needed that...or ask of that...thank yoU for reminding me ofGods grace I do sometimes forget. Thank you for replying God Bless you
A friend of my old pastor didn't believe "Sabbath rest" included pastors, and he was a pastor. So he didn't take off on any day of the week. When he was forced to rest after his heart attack, he did some studying in the Bible. And then he did some math.
First he discovered that every time the Israelites were exiled, the number of years exiled matched the number of years they did not rest themselves or their land. It included the Jubilee rest too.
Then he did the math on himself. It took him exactly as many days to recover from the heart attack as the number of Sabbath Rest days he did not take.
We physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally need to rest one day of the week. Spend one day relaxing and with our Lord, or we fall apart too young. What we will not do for ourselves, God will force on us.
If it helps any, I have been disabled since 1999. My husband since 2002. We have a three bedroom house, and can no longer keep up with the cleaning. (Still, very, very thrilled Ed, Rich, and friends helped us with that last summer.) Much to my surprise, (because I was raised by two clean freaks as parents, so really thought keeping a house clean was one of the top three goals in life), the house did not fall down because of dirt. We have medical problems, and yet have had less colds, flues, and other bacteria/viruses/germ-related health issues, despite a less-than-clean house. AND, biggest surprised is we learned to enjoy each other more, and worry about the house less.
If you're stuck in that must-keep-house-in-order-for-children's-sake thingy, stop it. You really do not have to! Yes, when they become adults, they will openly-announce which kind of mom you were on keeping the house clean, (as I just admitted to being the product of two clean-freaks lol), but it also works out they'll remember the times you spent with them more. All kids make fun of their parents housekeeping abilities, and yet, most do not make fun of their parent's children-keeping abilities. Be that Mom!
And, as for your husband? Ask him to be that Dad. And that Husband! Your kids will live with you for less years than you've been alive. If all goes well, you'll have your husband living with you for more than two-thirds of your whole life. Possibly longer than that. You only get him once. Let him know you want him more while you have him.
Don't deprive anyone of me-time, just because someone guilts you out of thinking you need it. God gave us me-time one day a week. And we are fortunate enough to have them-time for six days! That doesn't suck. That's a good design!