… or by using out of context passages to beat up on the Church which is His body??
For us to focus on the minute arrangement of certain letters of a couple of words is to miss the broader point of the poster's cogent objective, and the effect is something like "missing the forest for the teres."
Reminds me of Paul's words in Gal5:12--eeks, I mean,
who would say such a thing!? right?
"If we
LIVE in the Spirit [that is our standing/position and is permanent], let us
also WALK in the Spirit [this is our state/condition and can indeed fluctuate, as believers]".
Does anyone believe that it is possible for one person to "provoke" another person to the degree that they become "disheartened"? [G120 - "the Sept. 1 Samuel 1:6f" (see also v.7)]
Both Eph6:4 and Col3:21 speak of "fathers" and how they ought not "provoke [that is, to anger/wrath]" their children... the same "provoke" word [used in Col3:21--G120--
https://biblehub.com/greek/120.htm ] is used in the following passage:
Because the LORD had closed Hannah's womb, her rival would
provoke her and
taunt her viciously. 7 And this went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the LORD, her rival
taunted her
until she wept and would not eat."
On another note:
V.13 "
have not a root"--
"a root [G4491 - rhizan]" - "[G4491] tropically, οὐ ῤίζαν ἔχειν ἐν ἑαυτῷ, spoken of one who has but a superficial experience of divine truth, has not permitted it to make its way into the inmost recesses of his soul, Matthew 13:21; Mark 4:17; Luke 8:13" [source: Bible Hub]. I might word it slightly differently than this, but I generally agree with it.
They "have not a root" (this describes much of "Christendom"--those who "come in His name" but are not vitally connected with Him [that is, they are not "saved [or what we call 'saints' / 'His']," and what Jude calls "having not the Spirit" Jude 1:19]). Again, from Bible Hub: "Definition: a root;
Usage: a root, shoot, source; that which comes from the root, a descendent."
[now, quoting from a Commentary on Hebrews 3...]
"As Christendom has largely fallen back from [the] faith into a resumption of these rudiments of the world, which the work and glory of Christ now condemn as weak and "beggarly elements" (Gal. 4). there is like danger of unbelief. It is in truth departure from a living God for forms which He used to do service before Christ came and died atoningly, when redemption from under the law was effected,
and the believer passed from bond-service into the status of a son and heir of God, receiving the Spirit of adoption so as to cry Abba, Father. Anything short of this is not Christian relationship; and it is in evident contrast with Jewish subjection to ordinances, to which the Catholic bodies (not Romanist only) have turned back again.
It is a deceptive form of unbelief, a going away from the living God
to dead forms, because the heart lacks confidence in His grace in Christ.
"So it was with Israel; so it is with Christendom."
--William Kelly
[end quoting; underline and bracketed insert mine, parenthesis original]
[keeping in mind, as well, that Jesus' words in Lk8 were at a time when it was also the case that what is stated in Jn7:33-39,
esp. v. 39, was still yet to come... that's something to consider as well
