The beast kingdom is unlike any kingdom before it, and is the kingdom of man in its entirety.
People only going by their own religion, the ways of a lion, Babylon, their own wisdom, the ways of a leopard, Greece, being physically cruel to take away everybody that opposes their kingdom, the ways of a bear, Medo-Persia, and the ten horns is the physical dominion of the beast, the Roman Empire, which the world is split in to ten sections with a leader in each section, which they shall devour the whole world, tread upon it, and break it pieces.
Which the Roman Empire does not lose their dominion until Jesus puts them down, then Babylon falls, and Medo-Persia falls, and Greece falls, for their ways are still on earth, which they shall never have physical dominion again, but their lives were prolonged for a time and season, for their ways are still on earth.
Although all nations come together as one the Roman Empire has the dominion until Jesus puts them down.
The beast kingdom is Babylon in spirit, for she represents human religion, the occult, and the kingdom of man, which is what the beast kingdom is about.
Which Babylon's main mode of operation was human religion, Medo-Persia, physical cruelty, Greece, human wisdom, Roman Empire, pushing for power, dominion, which all 4 kingdoms went by the 4 modes of operation, but one of those modes was their main mode of operation, while the others was a minor mode of operation in whatever ratio it was.
So no kingdom before the beast kingdom was the kingdom of man in its entirety, but at the beast kingdom it is the main mode of operation of all 4 kingdoms in that kingdom, with no minor mode of operation.
Which is why it is the end, and they took away the hope of the world, so God can now end this sin business on earth.
Past kingdoms believed in a higher power, and whatever wisdom that they thought he gave to them, and even though they could be cruel they still thought they had to show some kind of compassion towards people, but at the beast kingdom they do not acknowledge any personal God, but honor the God of forces, or the power of nature as their higher power, evolutionary process, and they can still evolve to be greater, and spiritual, no God to fear, no God to offend, no God to obey, so they are unlike any kingdom before it.
So it is the end for all nations came together, and stopped the truth, for as long as one nation allows the truth to be preached, and practiced, even if they have falseness in it, such as Babylon when they had the revelation of God until they blew it, and America that allows the truth to be practiced, but they have falseness, and they too will blow it, the end would never come.
But all nations governments came together, and stopped the truth in favor of believing in no personal God, and that evolution is truth and reality.
So the beast kingdom is saying that it is all about people, and there is no higher power above them, which they will say I am, and there is no one else beside me, the daughter of Babylon, which sprang from you know which country that allowed religious diversity, all ethnic groups to be there, worldliness, anything goes multiculturism, like the Babylon kingdom of old, which was the start of why it all went down, and the world went to the beast kingdom.
Since the beast kingdom is the kingdom of man in its entirety the beast's agenda is that their technology, and devices, can solve the problems on earth, and help to achieve peace among people, and stop crime on earth.
So when they take the mark of the beast they are saying it is all about people with no higher power above them, and it seals them to where repentance, and salvation, can never be available to them again.
So after the world takes the mark of the beast it is over, and God can end this sin business on earth.
And then Jesus will put them down, the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, and then Babylon will fall, and then Medo-Persia will fall, and then Greece will fall, and then the Roman Empire will fall, for the statue in Daniel 2 representing these kingdoms does not fall until Jesus hits the toes of the image, the ten horn kingdom, the 7th king, and then the whole image falls, for the all their ways are still on earth.
Since the beast's agenda is it is all about people with no higher power above them, and their technology, and devices, can help to stop crime on earth, and bring about peace, what do people think it is.
And it will be to keep track of all people of the world, help to stop crime, be put in the right hand, or forehead, be used for the one world economic system, for no person can buy or sell without it, and used to identify the person.
What do people think it would be.
Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
chi xi stigma
khee xee stig'-ma
The 22nd, 14th and an obsolete letter (G4742 as a cross) of the Greek alphabet (intermediate between the 5th and 6th), used as numbers; denoting respectively 600, 60 and 6; 666 as a numeral: - six hundred threescore and six.
From a primary word στίζω stizō (to “stick”, that is, prick); a mark incised or punched (for recognition of ownership, identification), that is, (figuratively) scar of service(to the beast): - mark.
The microchip stuck under the skin would make sense, and that is what it is, for it is people's technology, and devices, to help them to achieve peace on earth.
The microchip linked to satellite will be a tracking device for humans, a GPS tracking system for humans, so they will know everyone's location on earth, and if a crime happens they will know who was in the location, and how close they were to the crime scene, and to find lost people, which we see pointed out a lot these days, this person missing, and that person missing.
Trump already addressed it, and said that people on temporary visas should have a chip implanted so they can keep track of them, and if they already had that in place he said that 911 could of been avoided, but the chip will develop on the world wide scene at the beast kingdom, and be mandatory for all who follow the beast, and if Trump addressed it in that fashion of cutting down on crime then how close can it be to the beast kingdom.
When the nations come together repentance, and salvation is still available to the world for three and one half years, so it is longer than that time to the beast kingdom.
The chip will keep track of people to cut down on crime, and stop crime, for they can catch them beforehand, know who was in the area of a crime scene, and people will be scared to commit a crime for they might be found out, and they do not want to get rid of it for then they cannot buy, or sell, and it will reduce cost in lawyers, and judges, and police, for they can be tracked down easily, and can be found guilty without a trial.
Also when the chip is scanned it will cause a picture of them to pop up on computer with all information about them, identification, financial records, medical, and anything else pertaining to them, and if stuck under the skin it is more of a secure device that cannot be lost, unlike an identification card, or credit card.
The mark of the beast will be stuck under the skin, used for identification of the person, for the one world economic system, to keep track of the people, to cut down on crime, stop crime, to find lost people, and the beast's agenda is that it is all about people with no personal God above them, and that their technology, and devices can help to achieve peace on earth.