Just because he has not put it out for others to see does not mean it is wrong
Nice try
Once again, What he says makes alot more sense than stuff I would have went to my grave believing and fighting most of my adult life.
I have come to believe that gap theory was an easy way out. A way to make it easier to appease old earth evolutionists, because instead of actually doing the hard work of studying things, they just took what ashiest scientists already did, and went with it, Just explained it away.
Once again, IF God created the earth for mankind, It would appear in its created stated aged.
If the flood was as catastrophic as the bible claimed it was (and I believe it was) then we would expect to see characteristics which would be the end result of this catastrophic event.
What we see with two theories (the book the genesis flood started it, and Dr Snelling upgraded with his books the earth’s catostrophic past) and dr brown has done, Is say, ok, if this happened, what woud we expect to see. And then went out and found it confirming their findings (an example is heavy water deep within the earth, confirmed by two deep drilling events, which found heavy water far deeper than science said there culd be water)
I did not say I believed everythign these people said, There are just THEORIES, (as is GAP)
I am just saying they are far more believable than saying God needed to take billions of years of this earth, full of death and destruction and evolution, before whatever reason he decided to reform the earth in a perfect state, and give it to this new creature he called man.
But I think you have proven in our many discussions you refuse to even give anyone who disagrees with your theories any amount of credit or consideration.
I thank God I did not start reading the above books wiht that attitude, Or I would be fighting GAP theory just like you do. And left with far to many unanswered questions, than answers.