I look after church library, and nobody really reads those fat theology books. They are only in there because the pastor doesnt know what to do with them. Im sure nobody would miss them if they were thrown in the bin. (Gasp!)
Why because they are redundant when you read all of the Bible.
What really moves people are reading peoples testimonies.
Theologians dont have testimonies, they only have theories and arguments. And tonnes of footnotes. I have tried reading a few but my conclusion is most are written by a bunch of agnostics or academic christians trying to impress their athiest friends. But why are they friends with athiests in the first place? Athiests arent the most friendly people to hang around with, especially when you tell them you are a christian. Lol
Why because they are redundant when you read all of the Bible.
What really moves people are reading peoples testimonies.
Theologians dont have testimonies, they only have theories and arguments. And tonnes of footnotes. I have tried reading a few but my conclusion is most are written by a bunch of agnostics or academic christians trying to impress their athiest friends. But why are they friends with athiests in the first place? Athiests arent the most friendly people to hang around with, especially when you tell them you are a christian. Lol
I think you need to speak with some conservative theologians. In my seminary and now in my theological school, the professors are driven by the need to preach the gospel. And just because you have no clue what a scholarly paper or book is, on any subject, doesn't make the method wrong. Footnotes can add a side discussion, or point to the exact page where the article/book author found the information.Scholars will research literally 100's of papers/books, and then see how it works with the Bible.
There was a point in theology where the Bible was not mentioned. I call that time the "dark ages." I have read the Bible over 50 times in many languages including the original languages. I read and study the Bible daily. But theology comes out of the Bible, and although it is not perfect, other scholars can then correct them.
Perhaps before you criticize, you ought to try and get through a few of those books? Or acknowledge you do not have the education and background to read theology. Well, except when you are actually reading the Bible, and studying God, which is what "theology" means as I have said over and over and over!
PS I am a wannabe theologian and I have an amazing testimony, which I share with anyone that is willing to listen. Try not to be so authoritarian about something you know nothing about - ignorance may be bliss, but it is not honest or mature.
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