No, this is not what *I* have said is the context (recall, I am NEITHER "Calvinist" [who WOULD say such a thing] NOR "Arminianist"! You may not recall my saying that, repeatedly
The context is the "future, specific, limited time period leading UP TO His Second Coming to the earth, FOR the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom [which *specific* future, limited "time period" FOLLOWS "our Rapture" and pertains to Israel, to whom the earthly kingdom *was promised*--those "WISE [of Israel]" who *WILL HAVE* come to faith IN/DURING the/those trib years, FOLLOWING our Rapture, and the "guests [plural]" (i.e. Gentiles) who "accept the INVITATION" to it! (i.e. also "come to faith"]);
--the passage has a specific application (we are not to just randomly "apply" things willy-nilly, but instead, we are called to "correctly apportion the word of truth"--I find that sorely lacking in those who, say, MIS-APPLY the "10 Virgins [PLURAL]" parable by saying THEY are whom Jesus is coming to MARRY [whacked doctrine, "10 or even 5 Virgins [PLURAL]!" to MARRY?? Hello!] No.
This, instead, pertains to "the wedding FEAST/SUPPER" (their entrance into the EARTHLY MK age, upon His "RETURN"--see again what I pointed out, in Lk12:36-37,38,40,42-44, "when he will RETURN FROM the wedding" [i.e. as an "ALREADY-WED Bridegroom" (per Rev19:7) THEN the meal [aka the EARTHLY MK age, they will ENTER in *MORTAL* bodies[capable of reproducing/bearing children], meaning, those who are STILL-LIVING at the END of the trib, like Daniel 12:13 refers to [not 12:12; and not Rev20:4b regarding those who will have physically DIED and thus be "resurrected" to bodies which will NOT be capable of reproducing/bearing children, but will "be like the angels"]
No, this is not the point I was making there.
Try again.
The context is the "future, specific, limited time period leading UP TO His Second Coming to the earth, FOR the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom [which *specific* future, limited "time period" FOLLOWS "our Rapture" and pertains to Israel, to whom the earthly kingdom *was promised*--those "WISE [of Israel]" who *WILL HAVE* come to faith IN/DURING the/those trib years, FOLLOWING our Rapture, and the "guests [plural]" (i.e. Gentiles) who "accept the INVITATION" to it! (i.e. also "come to faith"]);
--the passage has a specific application (we are not to just randomly "apply" things willy-nilly, but instead, we are called to "correctly apportion the word of truth"--I find that sorely lacking in those who, say, MIS-APPLY the "10 Virgins [PLURAL]" parable by saying THEY are whom Jesus is coming to MARRY [whacked doctrine, "10 or even 5 Virgins [PLURAL]!" to MARRY?? Hello!] No.
This, instead, pertains to "the wedding FEAST/SUPPER" (their entrance into the EARTHLY MK age, upon His "RETURN"--see again what I pointed out, in Lk12:36-37,38,40,42-44, "when he will RETURN FROM the wedding" [i.e. as an "ALREADY-WED Bridegroom" (per Rev19:7) THEN the meal [aka the EARTHLY MK age, they will ENTER in *MORTAL* bodies[capable of reproducing/bearing children], meaning, those who are STILL-LIVING at the END of the trib, like Daniel 12:13 refers to [not 12:12; and not Rev20:4b regarding those who will have physically DIED and thus be "resurrected" to bodies which will NOT be capable of reproducing/bearing children, but will "be like the angels"]
No, this is not the point I was making there.
Try again.
Q. Will judgement be according what a person has done (works) or what they thought?