The Corinthian list is what the Apostles had and distributed through their hands. The same as Philip the Evangelist who they laid hands on and he did Apostle level works but could not give it to others.
The gospels record the apostles trying to correct people for doing miracles without their authorization. Jesus corrected the disciples for doing this.
Acts shows us that one of the ways spiritual gifts were imparted was through the laying on of hands of the apostles. We also see tongues being given through outpourings of the Spirit which happened according to His will apparently with no laying on of hands of the apostles. Saul of Tarsus was able to perform miracles though there is no record of apostles laying hands on him, and to assume such would be to go against his own comments that they that seemed to be somewhat (certain apostles) added nothing to him. A disciple and prophets and teachers laid hands on him.
Paul's writings show that a spiritual gift can also be delivered through prophecy accompanied by the laying on of hands of the elders. And the Old Testament had already well established the facts that the Spirit can empower individuals to prophesy or do miracles apart from the laying on of hands of the apostles.
Your hermeneutical method, again, is akin to taking one verse where Jesus ate fish, and arguing that no one else in the world has ever been provided with fish to eat. You try to squeeze ideas out of verses that are not in there, and ignore scriptures that contradict your point of view.
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