Hello fellow believers. Being new here, I wanted to get to know the members and one way of doing that is to get a general consensus on what we all believe. It is just a tool for taking a sample of views from a group of believers to identify where we agree on the basic tenets of the Christian faith.
I have compiled an informal poll/survey with 20 questions that I would so GREATLY appreciate a response to from whoever wishes to participate.
The first half is simple yes or no questions about what you truly believe. The balance is questions that require something other than yes or no.
A simple few sentences will suffice or even quoting the scripture you feel directly applies to what it is you believe. You may also feel free to expound on any question/topic by private message if you wish so as not to get the thread off track. Simply ignore any questions you don't know the answer to or don't wish to discuss. The one thing I ask, at this point, is that you reply from your heart. That you answer only what you are sure of. If you don't know, say "don't know". Please do not go dig for answers on bible gateway before replying. This must be things that you have already studied and decided as Truth, what you believe to be true.
His Word should be written on our hearts.
Please know that I am only trying to gauge what it is the "church" believes as a whole.
They say that there are 22 million 'so-called' Christians in the world. Yet so many are unsure of what they believe and there are so many doctrines
being taught with various applications in Protestant and Catholic churches around the globe. So I would like to take samples of some communities, online and in local congregations. (I will be mailing this to pastors of local churches as well.)
Peace and Love and Blessings to all of you in the name of the Messiah.
1. Do you believe Christians go to Heaven when they die?
2. Do you believe unsaved sinners go to Hell when they die?
3. Do you believe that Jesus died on a Friday?
4. Do you believe that God desires Christians to celebrate His Son's birthday annually?
5. Do you believe that it pleases God for Christians to commemorate the resurrection annually on Easter Sunday?
6. Do you believe that Sunday is a Holy Day?
7. Do you believe the earth is 6000 years old?
8. Do you believe that the Church was formed and began during the events that took place in the second chapter of Acts?
9. Was Abraham Jewish?
10. Do you believe it is okay for openly gay people to serve in any position in the church congregation?
11. Do you believe the OT Law was nailed to the cross and thus made void at the death of Jesus?
12. What is the fourth commandment?
13. What day of the week did John receive the Revelation of the Christ on the island of Patmos?
14. How many 24hr periods (complete days) was Jesus dead in the grave?
15. What does the Word of God instruct on how to perform a wedding ceremony?
16. What does the Word of God instruct on how and when to administer communion?
17. How many books are there in the Bible?
18. What sign did God say would be between He and His people that would indicate to the world who are His?
19. What is God's name?
20. What is the Gospel? Define and describe briefly the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus preached, the apostles preached and His Church is commissioned to go into the world and preach?
Again, I ask that you answer off the top of your head. I don't need to know you can go look something up. If you don't know, don't answer.
Quote the scripture if you already know it. After you have replied to survey, then, by all means, take the questions and your Bible and go get with your tutor, the Spirit of the Holy One and seek the Truth.
Thanks so much to those who respond and peace and love to anyone as well that sits this one out!
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. I'm not sure what day it was
4. I believe Christians are free to celebrate Jesus birthday any time of the year. It is a wonderful truth that Jesus came for us.
5. Yes, Jesus resurrection is something to be celebrated always and not just on Easter. Easter is a day many come to church more and thus and opportunity for more to come to faith in Christ.
6. I believe each day is special. Life is a miracle. In Heaven , God's will is done each day. On earth there is good and evil that happens each day. When Jesus comes back, he will make things right again and the earth will be new.
7. I don't know how old the earth. I don't see the age of the earth as a core Christian doctrine.
8. I believe the church was forming long before the events of the book of Acts. I believe the church was forming even in the Old Testament.
9. Yes
10. I believe people who are openly gay and practicing should be allowed to sing and serve each other in the church but I would geel uncomfortable with them preaching/teaching.
11. I don't know what you mean by the OT law made void. I believe we should love God and love people. That is the main thing. The dietary laws in Leviticus promote a healthy diet and the Sabbath a day of rest. Both rest and a good diet are good and healthy. Both the dietary laws and Sabbath are great principles for health.
12. Honor your Father and Mother?
13. Not sure
14. Jesus rose again on the third day. I'm not sure how the 3rd day was measured. Jesus rose again and his body " did not see decay. "
17. 66
18. Our love for one another
19. God is known by many names: Savior, Lord, Jesus, Father, Holy Spirit, Counselor, God Almighty etc. I would love to know his name that he spoke to Moses in the burning bush.
20. Jesus came for us all. He died on the cross to pay for our sins and rose again the third day. Believe on the Lord Jesus, receive him and trust in Jesus to be your Savior. Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ and not something we can earn or lose.