That last youtube movie could not be more explicit, can it? How would you make water turn the other side if our earth was really flat? All he had to do was move his bowl to the southern or nothern region of this earth.
Yet, you make assumptions about what would happen if he did?
I have seen it before. Done with "trickery", I think. Are you paying close attention to the details?
Could the 'bowls' possibly be different in some way that might affect the direction the water would spin when poured into it?
How about the way the water was poured into it? How about the tilt of the stand the 'bowl' was atop?
Did you notice the differences in how each location was handled? (especially the last one - "on the line")
Did you observe all of these things? Could any of them possibly affect the outcome of the experiment?
Do you really think that what you saw would be the true result with the locations so close together as they are/were?
Did you know that water has been observed to turn in both directions at the same location on earth? (Just how much have you really research this?)
What you have seen is a "parlor trick" - and, it showed you what you wanted to believe.
Did you simply believe what you wanted to see, or did you observe what was really going on...???
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