Firstly let me say thankyou for taking your time to explain, I still have some unsurity, could you explain more about the tribulation saints for me.
Are the tribulation saints the 144.000 tribulation people of the 12 tribes of isreal who where sealed.
are those 144.000 tribulation saints currently in heaven ?
Are the tribulation saints the 144.000 tribulation people of the 12 tribes of isreal who where sealed.
are those 144.000 tribulation saints currently in heaven ?
144,000 Israelites - This group will recognize Jesus as their Messiah and will be sealed with the seal of God in their foreheads in the earlier part of that first 3 1/2 years of that seven year period. The Male Child mentioned in Rev.12, is a collective name representing this group who will be caught up to God and His throne in the middle of the seven years before the dragon/Satan can kill them. So no, they do not belong to the great tribulation saints, because they will be taken of the earth before it begins. Though it only mentions them being caught up, I believe that they will also be changed into their immortal and glorified bodies at that time as well.
A Large Number Which No Man Can Count - This group of white robed saints are introduced immediately after the 144,000. Scripture states that they will be from every nation, tribe, people and language, which would make them Gentile believers. Within the context, one of the elders asks John who these in white robes are and where they came from? The very fact that he is asking John this question demonstrates that they are not the church, which he had just previously written to. It is this group who will come out of the great tribulation, meaning that they will have died during that time. Considering the fact that the great tribulation hasn't started from John's time frame, I believe that he is seeing a vision of those who will eventually be killed during the GT. John sees the spirits of those who were under the altar at the opening of the 5th seal and who had been killed prior to the great tribulation. John sees both those under the altar and these who come out of the GT, being resurrected in Rev.20:4-6.
Do the tribulation saints have any part in the seven year reign of the antichrist during tribulation and if so what is there part, or do they only take part in the 1000 year reign of Christ after the 7 year reign of the anti Christ and what is there part there, ?
The GTS will be the enemy of the beast, therefore they will have no part in his reign. They will basically be keeping their testimony for Jesus and the word of God and will not worship the beast, his image nor receive his mark. They will be trying to stay alive! Those GTS who will have died, will be resurrected in their immortal and glorified bodies and they will rule with Christ during that thousand years.
Another question i have does anyone pass the great white throne Judgement?
The GWTJ is listed in Revelation 20:15-21, which takes place after the thousand years. Rev.20: says "Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection! The second death has no power over them." Since those who are resurrected at the end of the thousand years will have not shared in the first resurrection, then the second death (lake of fire) will have power over them.
Another detail that stands out to me is that, those who are resurrected at the end of the thousand years at the GWTJ, are always referred to as "the dead," even after they receive their resurrected bodies, which tells me that this is in reference to their state of being with God, dead, separated.
To answer your question, I do not believe that anyone who takes part in this resurrection will have their names found in the book of life, but their judgment will be a matter of due process. In other words, checking for their names in the book of life would be futile. Anyone else have an opinion on this issue?
In your feeling during the 1000 year reign of Christ apart from the 144,000 tribulation saints, will anyone who is still alive still be saved before the great white throne Judgement starts? and not even stand at the great white throne.
also during these 3 periods the 3 1/2 year reign of the antichrist and the 1000 year reign of Christ and then the period known as Gog and Magog after the 1000 year reign of Christ. what happens to all the people deemed wicked who are killed in these periods , are they all immediately chucked into the lake of fire, or do they get sent to hades to appear befor the the great white throne ?.[/QUOTE]
At the end of the tribulation period, Jesus will return to the earth, with His church and His angels. According to Matt.24:31 and Matt.13, He will send His angels out and they will go throughout the earth and first gather the weeds/wicked and will bring them back to the area of Armageddon. At that time they will all be killed with that double-edged sword that proceeds from the Lord's mouth. I believe that their spirits will depart and go down into Hades and will later be resurrected at the GWTJ and then cast into the lake of fire. I believe that it will be the same scenario for those who are killed at the end of the thousand years when God rains down fire upon them. The unrighteous dead will all receive resurrected bodies mete for their punishment.
"Both the beast and the false prophet were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. And the rest were killed with the sword that proceeded from the mouth of the One seated on the horse. And all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.
"The Rest" would be the kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small.
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