Just out of curiosity, and you don't have to answer, but did these two "sexy girls" ever try to contact you? Though I'm guessing this was after CC had a fee for sending PM's, which I'm sure had cut down a lot on some of the riff raff.
I can neither confirm nor deny this story, as I heard it secondhand, but a long time ago, I heard of a member who presented an avatar of a very young, pretty female who started "following" all men, mostly several times her age.
Allegedly, "she" struck up a PM conversation with at least one of them, eventually saying things like, "Well, I don't have any experience with (very personal subjects) and was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about it..."
As one could guess, it all went downhill from there, and then "she" hit the guy with, "Hey, I'm underage..." and then proceeded to tell him that if he didn't started paying her (I don't know she was asking that the money be sent to her; again, this is all alleged,) she was going to start exposing copies of the emails he had sent to her discussing said very personal subjects. I don't know what happened after that.
The moral of the story is, don't always trust what you see, especially when it's going to try to lead you right into a trap.
(I'm a gal and I still remind myself of this. If someone tries to "follow" or contact me online whom I KNOW I would never attract in real life, I tend to put up an extra couple rounds of guards.)