I honestly dont know if it's a language barrier, or you just are talking in a way i dont understand or you dont see where I'm coming from...but I still fail to see any issues, with discussing sex prior to marriage...in fact if a couple wants to go the route of avoiding all topics of sexuality before marriage I think it will hurt them in the long run.
What is the point to talk about sb4m? Don't do it, don't talk about it, talk about things that are going to be important for your marriage like kids, family, likes, dislikes. Why would you want to talk about sex before marriage? How does that do anything but put pressure on you to have sex before marriage? The act is something SACRED, set for marriage.
I am not an expert on the subject, by any means, OK, I admit it, by NO means. But I just , megaT, do not think God wants any people-young, old, or between young and old-that are engaged, and, especially just dating, to talk about that 'stuff' before marriage. I am not sure in scripture where it stays that but human sexuality is not something you want to broadcast, for it causes feelings in us, especially we guys that think about SEX (so a poll says) , every SEVEN MINUTES . Women think about sex not as often, in fact, they think about communication every SEVEN SECONDS.

OK, ladies, I was just kidding, it's every 10 seconds
It is recommended that couples go to pre-marital counseling and I don't even think the counselor approaches that subject. I could be wrong because I've never been married nor in pre-marital counseling to see that I was READY for all marriage was.
Sorry, you don't understand me, too, Liam, but you're always getting frustrated (and that's fine, you are just not going to understand everyone). I think some of your frustration is because I type most everything out on a MyTouch 4G phone that often impossibly allows me to communicate (if that makes any sense

) and make errors and that gets to you so much you can't read through the lines. Makes perfect sense, I make no apologies for my lack of perfectionism .
I am just following God as perfect as I can but I am so NOT a perfectionist, in writing, speaking, and, certainly, reading others thoughts and trying to perfectly make response jive back responsibly for all to understand.
God be with my lack of understanding on this topic, but at least I try to make sense of it, and, I emphatically believe that Julieannie is approaching this with kid gloves, as should be the case, and, great to hear that two young ladies find what's said what God would be speaking to them through posts on here . \
Because edifying each other into erudite thinking of God's ways is EXACTLY how it should be
Maybe we should all just take a deep breath on this topic, friends, and sing a song to cheer us all up:
"Making your way in the world today takes everything you got.
Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot.
Wouldn't you like to get away.
Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.
And they are always glad you came.
You want to go where people go, where troubles are all the same.
You want to go where everybody knows your name."