I do not believe in libertarian free will as you seem to, I can find no scriptural evidence to support it. I do believe we make choices, and we are accountable for our choices, but we make choices in accordance with our nature. Depraved sinners are not free to choose righteousness any more than a dog is free to become a cat. No sinner can come to Christ unless the Father draws them. And all he 'calls' are justified and all justified are glorified (Romans 8:30). The only ones who come to Christ are those who are effectually called by God, having been predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ from eternity past. God chose whom he would save from before the world began and predestined these to be called, justified, and glorified.
ALL are drawn to Christ, we ALL get our chance, and, what we do is our CHOICE. Deprived man? Potty hogwash, mattsevens. ALL get a,choice to CHOOSE Christ, now, SOME God works more on , but, like you got ONE thing right, besides understanding, YES! we are DRAWN, but you misstep saying only 'eternity past,' and 'predestination' speaks to some. Reprobate? Potty hogwash. There are NO reprobates in Gid's eyes. ALL are called, Christ bro, that IS the only 'just' and 'perfect,' so 'that none should perish,' way of our Father, 'The Way, The Truth, and, The Life.' We, that includes ANY human who ANSWERS His 'drawing call.'
Sure, smile, Christ peeps, I just did.
There is no pre-destrined, orchestrated order by God for those going into the new world (Heaven and Earth) when end times come.
I soo wished you understood the Love of God, for God is Love, and, only grace, only mercy. God has given EVERYONE THE SAME MEASURE OF FAITH AND WE ARE TO BUILD IT WITH CONFIDENCE AS HE LAYS OUT HIS PLAN FOR OUR LIFE.
This is not yelling it is emphasizing, I do not yell, but I do EMPHASIZE The importance of undetstand the true character of our great God who is mercy, grace, Love, but, be not ye deceived by The Enemy, you CAN LOSE YOUR SALVATION.
What are you saying, here, too?
When I say, per scripture, 'We are to work out our OWN salvation with fear and trembling' is just, in your words, mattsevens, 'to find out if we are really saved.'
What, on God's green earth, does that quote part mean? ^^^
"So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy."
- Romans 9:16
This applies to God's sovereign control over all, like 911, when His divine purpose causes great change, this does change a man's life timeline but it by no means says God did not know man's death date, for God KNOWS all. He KNEW what we were intended to do for His great work for our life timeline before we were born; we,, of course, are given choices freely to either become His and follow His plan for us.
God has mercy on whom he will have mercy, he saves whomever he chooses to save. We don't choose God,
God chooses us. And, GOD, through His true nature-which is Love, mercy, grace-chooses (draws) @LL of us, UNDERSTAND 'the circular'nature of ALL this Truth. And, yes, some humans are given more mercy than others, more grace, too, OUR faith GROWTH builds mercy/grace for us and OBEDIENCE. This is God's way, it is just, He is perfect in His ways shewing mercy. ]
"You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you."
- John 15:16
This refers to building our life and personal relationship with Christ. This has zip to do with salvation, except, yes, the 'not choose Me, but I chose you,' which refers to immediate initial act of salvation of Christ having drawn/dragged us to Him
Really this is bound up with election. If you don't believe in election, which I would imagine is hard because its found throughout the bible, old and new testaments, then I can see how you'd have a problem with POTS.
By the way, the "whosoevers" in no way contradict election. No one will call on the name of the Lord in sincerity for salvation unless they are the elect of God having been effectually called by the Holy Spirit. So yes, whoever earnestly desires to come to Christ for salvation can be and will be saved, but the reprobate will not desire this. A key way to differentiate the elect from the reprobate is their response to the gospel of Christ. We humans INDIVIDUALLY vote for Christ after He has drawn Himself unto us through a supernatural act(s) coming into our life at His appointed time of our life timeline.
Romans 8:30 describes the whole drama of salvation from the big-picture view. God predestines his people from eternity past. He calls his people whom he has predestined. Having called his people, he justifies them in Christ. Having justified them, he glorifies them at the consummation of all things. There is no libertarian 'free will' involved here, though this does not happen against our will; rather the Spirit of God regenerates our hearts and gives us the very will to come to Christ for salvation.
Not happening against our will IS 'freewill.' Either it is, or, it isn't. Yes, you got two things right, when born of God we are regenerated, flesh dies, we are in Christ. But our temple CAN be left by the indwelling Christ in us.
Right but this is urging those who profess Christ to make absolutely sure that they are in fact Christians. Test yourself to see if you are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). This is why the whole of 1 John was written, to assure true Christians that they are in the body of Christ, and to convict false disciples of their need for the real thing. Working out your salvation does not mean working to earn salvation, it means making sure you are really saved.