God's cup of wrath has a time frame.......eventually the wicked fill up their cup of iniquity and God pours out His Wrath upon them.
The righteous and the meek will inherit the Earth and the wicked shall perish. Even though God tarry, He will surely return to the Earth and make all things new......His promises are TRUE.
Those that have received Jesus Christ love God and will inherit all the promises of God, even eternal life. God is not mocked, we will reap what we have sown.
God so desires our love for Him. It's so important to enter into love with God. God is motivated by love, we need to also be motivated by love.
God is well pleased with all His children that love Him with a pure heart and put all their trust in Him, not in their own works but, rather walk in forgiveness with themselves and others. Steadfast in their faith in Jesus Christ alone.
That's it for Part 3.
Thanks again Blain for sharing your beautiful Psalm with us. It's definitely a loving reminder that God has made promises and He will fulfill them. 
[/QUOTE] I am so overwhelmed I just cannot begion to believe the depth that was in this... I wanted to read what you wrote yesterday but couldn't I was still in a state where I was unable to comprehend anything the vision was so powerful and so real that I was affected physically.
I did however ask God to let you be the one to explain the vision in his truth because I told him out of everyone I have ever met or known you were the one person I always felt his spirit the most in how it is as if everything you say has his spirit and thoughts and love in them.
As I read what you said about my spalm I was in tears and a severe pain inside was again tromping my soul because I was remembering the sadness and pain I experienced in that vision to experience the pain of that sort and to best describe it it is like a mother and father who have lost a child and shriek in agony and sadness from deep within except it was so much worse as if it was multiplied by thousands I didn't even know the soul could survive such pain as that but the depth of the pain came from love just as my signiture says Jesus knew more than anyone love hurts.
But it was as if at that moment he and I were one as if in order to know his heart as I have always desired I also had to know the exact depth of his pain in order to know the depth of his love. I have always said that father was the original parent and how much worse it must be for him losing every lost child than for an actual parent because he has millions who have been lost but I cannot even describe the agony and sorrow and pain even hell itself when I was there didn't compare to the pain and agonoy I mean hell seems like a cakewalk compared to the pain he deals with.
But to willingly go through hell like that out of love.... I finally understand the depth of his love and the love I have sought after and I finally understand why I was given such a tender heart because to know have and experience him in full we have to take on all of him the pain and sadness the light and joy the compassion and connection to the inner being of his soul without a heart of tenderness we would not be able or willing to go through that kind of suffering only a heart that is his and that seeks his could hope to bond with him like that, and to desire to know and have him like that comes at a cost because the phrase becareful what you wish for could never be more true than with him to desire to know his love and to have his heart also means to experience even for a time the level of pain he goes through everyday love is both a blessing and a curse because in order to know true love is also to know true suffering it is the purest and most agonizing thing in existence.
And the things I have written prophesying all that is soon to come the wedding the garden the flood of agfony and destruction and the very very limited time that is left.... I didn't know what I was writing at he time I only let him guide the words as they would fllow I love and adore to have him use me to encourage heal and uplift others but at some point in this year I asked him to use me in this way but then when the poems would take another direction speaking of destruction anger and wrath I was confused and didn't like writing these kind of psalms because I only want to help encourage and give life but I have been called a prophet by some people a seer and prophet and I never liked being called that because I don't think I am worthy of such a thing.
To be a prophet means you speak his heart but you also are far more accountable for what you claim to speak and it infuriayes me when so called prophets claim to speak for him but it is not of him and I fear of ever doing that even once I could never forgive myself if I did I treasure him far to much and so I never wanted to be in a place of speaking for him but he did it all the time regardless.
A friend who used to be on here called Ricky Z would always tell me I was a prophet and I explained to him a vision I had when I saw oil golden oil pouring on my head from heaven never seeing the beginning or end of it but I don't like the feel of poil and so I was uncomfortable having it being poured on my head. He said that there will come a time when he will use me to speak with his anointing but I will not like speaking it he said being a prophet means tpo guide help and encourage but also to speak of warnings wratrh and destruction
But even so what is coming is so close that it is terrifying and will bring healing and life to those who are his but deatyh and sorrow to those who rejected him, it hurts and saddens me but at the same time I am excited and hopeful for him. But I never wanted anything to be about me yet this interna battle inside me has always been so heavy on me I am to afraid to mistrusting of myself even just writing all this seems to be to much about me but I just don't know what to do I keep asking him who and what am I what am I supposed to think and believe what am I supposed to see in myself I just wish that I was something else or someone else all the time I never understand or trust myself but even with all this why does he do this all the time I should be the last person he would use for anything of this sort but it just flows naturally
I don't know what is happening to me I don't understand what is stirring inside and I am so confused