To be as the still waters of the night, to soak in the waters of the evergreen as all the nature soaks up the waters of the flowing riverbed so they may flourish this is my desire. And so I shall quiet my soul and speak not an utterance, I shall sit and wait not seeking the water my soul desires but shall wait and listen for the one who brings the water that fills my cup.
For I have tasted and known this water he brings, how sweet the taste on my tongue it is, how cool and crisp is it upon my dry and hoarse throat and how it fills me up with only a single sip so life given so reviving and good. For there is no greater drink no greater wine nor any given thing that is so good as the water my Lord brings to me, what would I offer for a single drop upon my lips? Where would I go just to soak in these waters?
Yet I do not bargain nor do I seek it, I dare not move dare not utter an utterance for I have seen the wisdom of the evergreen that drinks the waters of the flowing rivers, all of nature and in all of it's beauty does not move nor utter a word for it's nourishment rather in their wisdom they stay still and wait for the rain to quench them and they without speaking a word have more wisdom than that of man in this matter.
How amazing is the Lord in showing his greatness in the things that are weak and voiceless how the trees of the earth and how the birds of the air how the blades of grass speak his wisdom and greatness for only those who would humble themselves to listen. As I sit and calm my soul I ponder these things awaiting the cup that overflows and I thank my Lord for my akin to nature for I am not blind to how alike I am to it. Like the flower I am easily trampled on and passed by shining the beauty and wisdom that the Lord declares in unspoken words but go unhead and unseen, for like the blades of grass if I was given water I would be as silk on the feet that walk on me everyday for like the rose bushes I would produce the roses that are so often discarded for lack of their growth.
For the tender things of this world do not seek nor desire strength nor honor nor glory and perhaps in his great wisdom such things are best suited for these. As I still my spirit I am in tears of gratitude for my weakness and my tender soul for only because of this have I been given eyes that see what others do not, I praise him in my heart for his stength that he shows in the weakest of things for who among us who believe we are strong truly understand what strength is?
Perhaps to know strength one must understand weakness and if this so my Lord is weakness really even being weak and is being strong really even having strength? Such is the ways of my cherished one for his ways are not our ways nor are his thoughts like our thoughts, how I love to ponder his ways and to selve deeper into the secrets of his heart for his ways are truly beautiful to me. I adore how he hides wisdom from the those who would deem themselves wise, I am in awe how he whispers the truth where one has to have the right heart to listen.
And so I shall meditate on these things as I still my soul and wait for the water he brings forth, patiently shall I remain seated and listen for his footsteps for even a single drop is worth the wait.