Hi Deror! Thank you for writing all of this! You didn't say too much
I love writing and connecting with other likeminded people too (I tend to write a lot too lol).
Most definitely, this prayer group could be strictly on CC. I'm not sure what kind of features the site has (I haven't been here in a while) but we can check them out and see what it has to offer.
EXACTLY!- if you have nothing to hide then that shouldn't offend! I think the same way about it and usually when a person is too easily offended about being upfront or whatever then that definitely says something.
I too have had some very very disappointing, weird, creepy etc. experiences online (and in real life for that matter) that have made me very cautious AND wise about red flags to look for. The Lord has made me very discerning by allowing me to be in many situations, good and bad...but mostly the bad ones...sigh
- so, I'm ready to spot the snakes in the grass if that were to happen...I hate dealing with it and the sad people who do those things but its unfortunately a part of life. I don't mean to go off on a tangent about it but, there's SO MANY MORE sad people like that out here than genuine, sincere, happy, just-want-to-help-and-be-helped people. It's something I think about a lot...I guess because I constantly come across it. Anyway...
I dedicated my life to the Lord and have been walking with him since November 2001. It's been an amazing journey so far, marked by trials and suffering, meeting amazing sisters and brothers and joyousness. Currently I've gone through a period of...can't think of the words...I guess just seeking God's direction and His healing, overcoming power. A big reason why I thought to come back to this site
I'm on EST time so we'll have to see what time zone everyone is in and arrange it. Thanks for offering those resources! I'd love to hear more about it. I also have gathered heaps lol of resources and research in my journey and would love to share. That's a big reason why I wanted to reach out about this so we all can come together and share what we've gathered along our journeys and help each other in Jesus' name. And yes I'm hoping for all that you mentioned above: fully accountable, being led, mentored, learning, teaching, fellowshiping in the Spirit...all of it
I'm excited!
I don't want to highjack this thread so I'll stop here. Sorry to reply so late, its been a busy week and I'm just able to check this site again. I look forward to hearing back from you and everyone else. Praise God! Thank you!
Most definitely, this prayer group could be strictly on CC. I'm not sure what kind of features the site has (I haven't been here in a while) but we can check them out and see what it has to offer.
EXACTLY!- if you have nothing to hide then that shouldn't offend! I think the same way about it and usually when a person is too easily offended about being upfront or whatever then that definitely says something.
I too have had some very very disappointing, weird, creepy etc. experiences online (and in real life for that matter) that have made me very cautious AND wise about red flags to look for. The Lord has made me very discerning by allowing me to be in many situations, good and bad...but mostly the bad ones...sigh
I dedicated my life to the Lord and have been walking with him since November 2001. It's been an amazing journey so far, marked by trials and suffering, meeting amazing sisters and brothers and joyousness. Currently I've gone through a period of...can't think of the words...I guess just seeking God's direction and His healing, overcoming power. A big reason why I thought to come back to this site
I'm on EST time so we'll have to see what time zone everyone is in and arrange it. Thanks for offering those resources! I'd love to hear more about it. I also have gathered heaps lol of resources and research in my journey and would love to share. That's a big reason why I wanted to reach out about this so we all can come together and share what we've gathered along our journeys and help each other in Jesus' name. And yes I'm hoping for all that you mentioned above: fully accountable, being led, mentored, learning, teaching, fellowshiping in the Spirit...all of it
I don't want to highjack this thread so I'll stop here. Sorry to reply so late, its been a busy week and I'm just able to check this site again. I look forward to hearing back from you and everyone else. Praise God! Thank you!
I don’t wanna hijack Wade’s thread either so you’re welcome to PM me if you wanna chat further about your ideas, maybe we could bounce some helpful ideas around. I try to check in once a week at least, but sometimes life gets either busy or overwhelming to be honest.
About the sites features, I’m not sure either esp since the change, but I did wonder if we could ask for a chat room of our own, even possibly offer some PayPal payment for exclusive use of a space in the chat rooms. To use specifically for anxiety support / prayer. But then I got worried about people’s safety, and wellbeing. Esp vulnerable people. Then I wondered if someone like Angela might moderate, or be an overseer, like a safeguarding person. Or someone who has pastoral care experience, like a minister. But I guess they’re busy with their own flock. Just some ideas rolling around during the week.... or even a private forum like the ladies forum.
Yes, I agree with you like-minded about there being so many sincere people out there but it’s the internet. I guess taking it steady, being able to honestly ask questions, express concerns will help navigate and take one step at a time.. i hate dealing with the negative side of the internet, life, the world etc too, it’s a pity cos the internet can be such an awesome tool for believers but I guess it’s part of the world, so we gotta be wise yet innocent.. in the world but not of it.
Sorry I’m reading your post as I reply and I read wrong what you wrote — did you say you encounter the bad more than good? I’m sorry about that, hope you begin to meet some good eggs for a change.
I’ve been on the internet since about 2007 and I needed to take a long break a few years ago, and noticed a definite change when dipping my toe back in.. it’s definitely got worse.. doesn’t help anxiety... yet there can be such awesome people out there too,,, I guess we just gotta be careful, prayerful, watchful and discerning... I’ve had to find courage to be assertive instead of being scared of people.. anxious of them... open but shielded 🙂 It’s obvious to me now how much we all need Jesus. The world is getting so lost. It’s so vital to be grounded in Him to continue to shine the blesse Gospel light. I’m seeing how much more Good News is needed as the months turn into years. Trolls and bad mannered peeps need help really. It’s a big reason I wanna kick anxiety’s butt to be honest so I can fight the good fight and not be affected no more.
Praying for your healing overcoming season. You are His workmanship so what He has started with you, no doubt Jesus can and will finish His good work in you, concerning you. I honestly believe He doesn’t bake bread half done. Pray God’s guidance is crystal clear to you and you receive His help continually.
In 2013, I finally put my trust in The finished work of Jesus, and finally found clarity about Who saves and how 🙂 My journey been a bit all over the place, not knowing that assurance until 2013. I’m thankful for the pastors and preachers who teach the simplicity of Christ Jesus 🙂 it’s actually helped the anxiety dissipate immensely but then a whole new set of problems so quite the journey really, I’m talking too much... just wanna say, Jesus is faithful and although anxiety can try to overwhelm me, I know I’m sealed with His Holy Spirit and have awesome help from Jesus. To have Jesus to turn to, someone that I can count on is priceless... it’s definitely helping with the battle. God bless you like-minded. God Most High is in control ! He cares for everyone. Be blessed in Jesus name. Take care now.
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