I think one of the main ideas that should be taken under consideration is what life attest to. The most important thing in life for atheists, Christians, and Muslims is the connections we have with our families and friends, or in one word love. If we examine the Muslims version of God versus the Christian's we see a huge difference. Jesus Christ is so personal and relational in that He comes in to our problems in being a man and saves us from them as God. The entire old testament is centered around the theme of sacrifice an unblemished animal for sins and the coming Messiah as liberator. Muslims believe in the Torah then I hope they will look all the foreshadowing that occurs in the bible pointing to Jesus Christ as God and savoir. I hate to say this but the bible warns about this very happening in Gal 1:8 "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be under a divine curse," and 2 cor 11:14 "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." This is almost a prophecy of what happened to Muhammad. An angel my have spoken to him, but if one did, it was not from heaven. I love and respect all Muslims and hope that even with our disagreements we can still joke around, be friends, yet hold to the truth without question.
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