The word of God is spiritual in nature and origin....the natural man cannot know and or spiritually discern the word....this alone proves that works or obedience does not save and or help maintain salvation....One must be born from above before they can even begin to spiritually discern the word, much less obey it..................even the message of salvation by grace through faith must BE revealed by the Spirit of God before one can even be saved and then after one has been born again eternally from above by incorruptible SEED, a process of growth and maturity must ensue through sanctification and transformation to teach people how they are to live.......
Saved by faith is the first step before ANYONE can know, discern, obey, serve or walk in a pleasing manner..........
Saved by faith is the first step before ANYONE can know, discern, obey, serve or walk in a pleasing manner..........
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