Topics been covered here plenty. Most regulars know it already and don't need a lengthy explanation. They heard it before and disagree.
If this is the 1000 year reign right now then the bible is a lie.
This illustrates something that people often don't understand...
The fact that you included the statement in bold above tells me two things:
~ Your "know it already" statement is not really true; because, what I am suggesting in this thread is not what you were certain it would be.
~ Your mind is "stuck" on the GT being a short period of time such that - upon seeing a statement suggesting the GT started in 70 A.D. - you assumed that I must believe "the GT is over" and we are well into the 1000-year reign of Christ.
The fact is - I believe in the physical-presence reign of Christ on the earth - which does not begin until He returns - which is still future.
I am not writing this to "pick on you"; rather, only to make a point about how people sometimes assume that certain ideas "
automatically must go together" when in reality they do not.
IF you pay very close attention to how the Bible "defines" the start of the GT and the end of the GT -
and - you look closely at the "details" surrounding those "definitions" -
and - you are able to "let go" of the things you have "learned" (that are full of assumptions) about the End Times Scenario -- you
WILL discover that the
futurist and
preterist views are
both in error - because
neither fully matches
all of the "details" completely.
I am trying my best to help folks on here understand how that - the only way
all of the "details" actually match in scripture is if the GT is a long period of time that started circa 70 A.D. and ends in the future.
This is why people assume that it must all be future or past - because, they refuse to examine
all of the "details" exactly as scripture records them. Instead, they prefer to clutch tightly onto what they were taught, making assumptions about things that scripture does not actually say.