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  1. wattie


    Remember it's the gift of knowlege.. not general knowledge, that is the subject of 1 Corinthians 13. The gift is supernaturally empowered, exceptional.. but general knowledge of course would still be around now.
  2. wattie


    The importance is in the argument that that a lack of belief or faith is what makes the sign gifts being not seen. The problem with this is the majority of Christians would have a belief in seeing sign miracles and wonders. Whether the signs and wonders is still going on is an objective.. not...
  3. wattie


    Just want to say again.. a few here a posting that it's as if the cessationists view is the majority. This just isn't right. The majority of christendom actively follow all the gifts or dont believe they have passed. Pentecostal and Charismatic churches far outnumber non-charismatic...
  4. wattie


    Well.. in regards to the desire spiritual gifts.. that is still to the church at Corinth. But the main thing the chapter 14 is in the mode of.. this is what you do now.. where 13 is a future point beyond that. In regards to the canon.. my source is from The Case for Christ by Lee...
  5. wattie


    On the canon being closed.. it was considered closed and complete before any council decided it so. The veracity and reliability of the books was obviously known before the council said so. So then the AD 96 point of completion becomes accurate. The other point is... in regards to 1...
  6. wattie


    Remember the cessation adheres to some gifts still remaining. It's mainly the three gifts of prophecy, tongues and gift of knowlege that all cessationists would say are passed.
  7. wattie


    It isn't about the church being perfect that led to the spiritual gifts completing their purpose. If you are meaning all believers being perfect.. yeah.. none perfect there.. not until all are one church in heaven. If you are meaning the local church being perfect .. yeah .. no perfect local...
  8. wattie


    Well I'm saying they professed faith in Christ.. very difficult to know exactly who actually genuine believed in those people. But as to the outreach I was doing.. well guess I'd have to get you to contact my friends thru Facebook that were part of campus Crusade and part of my church in the...
  9. wattie


    I mean.. is the inspiration you got.. scripture from previous reading that God put on your heart for them?
  10. wattie


    Well I was leading outreach for my church thru mid 2000s to early 2010s. We would do a survey about life leading to presenting the gospel. We saw many, many people professing faith in Christ. From all walks. Before that I was with Campus Crusade doing outreach at university as a student...
  11. wattie


    Scripture that you had previously learned being prompted by God for you to administer to her?
  12. wattie


    Yeah good joke :) So what is the objective evidence through history that you know of ?
  13. wattie


    Comes down to what causes, or caused sign gifts to cease in particular.. 1 Corinthians 13 has that which is perfect, or the perfect thing-- completing the gifts of prophecy, gift of tongues and gift of knowledge. Ephesians chapter 4.. has 'knowledge of the unity of the faith' as a point in...
  14. wattie


    In regards to some gifts ceasing.. *partial cessationism is generally only the sign gifts of prophecy, tongues and gift of knowlege ceasing. All others remain.. with ministry gifts and others. *full cessationism.. where I see scripture is showing.. is both ministry and sign gifts passing...
  15. wattie


    Thanks for your honest response. I've had the same experience with Pentecostal and Charismatic churches.. Almost everyone wanting to speak in tongues... no interpreters.. and not known languages but gibberish. Going by the order shown by God thru Paul's writing? Na forget it. Instead of...
  16. wattie

    Once Saved Always Saved is True.

    'He who endured to the end shall be saved ' Context around this is not about eternal salvation but salvation as is in rescue from trials and hardship
  17. wattie

    Once Saved Always Saved is True.

    I agree with once saved always saved.. but Paul being the first to be saved? What about God saving sinners by grace in the Old Testament? It was a different way of serving God in the OT.. but a different way of salvation? I don't think scripture supports salvation by grace thru faith only in...
  18. wattie

    Who Is Us?

    I've always read this to mean the Godhead.. Father, Son and Holy Spirit as the one God. Jesus was with the Father in the beginning 'all things were created through Him' The Holy Spirit was there as Gods Spirit 'hovering across the face of the waters' The Father there as the Creator...
  19. wattie


    Yes that's right.. the bible was complete and canon considered done before a council decided so. The veracity and reliability of the books were such that they were considered authoritative before the council decided on it.
  20. wattie


    The bible in it's original form is perfect.. and reputable translations have preserved this enough to be confident it is still perfect. But the other thing is .. the word perfect is about something coming to completion and maturity. That is the biblical sense of the word.