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  1. Liamson

    Why I stopped dating.

    In case you were wondering how I'm doing, the answer is that I'm "fine" and its a crappy word and I hate it. "Okay" is just as bad. The truth is that I'm not "fine" Over the last couple of years, I've lost a lot of self respect. I gained weight and tolerated all kinds of activities in my...
  2. Liamson

    If I'm going to be Single indefinitely, I should make the best of it...

    Rather than jockeying for position amongst a sea of dudes in the rat race of husband material, I think I'm just going to get back to doing what I know makes me feel alive. Instead of buying that sensible family friendly Cheap Jerokee... Instead of spending thousands of dollars to fly out to...
  3. Liamson


    I don't usually talk about stuff like this cause to me it falls under the non-theological, unscientific and otherwise speculative theory department. But people aren't as shallow as we think they are. I mean, some people get hung up about how "Fat" they are, or how ugly they think they are or...
  4. Liamson

    The Paradox of Choice and Dating.

    Essentially the Paradox of Choice is a Psychological Theory which proposes that if a person has 2 choices, they are fine. 6 choices you are also okay but, if a person has like 24 good choices. They often freeze up and choose nothing. The fear of missing out on the wrong choice or regretting the...
  5. Liamson

    I don't have a Crush BUT....

    I was curious. Does anyone else see the opposite sex and in an instant see the whole relationship play itself out before your eyes? Like every person is a relationship and every relationship is an alternative timeline. Like you can see where person A is going to be controlling and you...
  6. Liamson

    Camp Pairing Off.

    You know what I miss about now being a single adult? Camp. Whether its Camp Winnepuchimassenuckie or Camp Praise and Worship. I miss spending a week with my peers doing activities and sports and exploring. When you force adults to do stuff like that you get shows like Survivor. But as...
  7. Liamson

    The Big Picture

    I have a hard time setting goals. Because, even when the goal is achieved. There lies a void on the other side. An Abyss just beyond the success of triumph. If I run a marathon and train for a year to do it, then what? I have many many such accomplishments to my name. Things that I've done...
  8. Liamson

    We all experience things differently....

    Some people prefer Dr. Pepper, some prefer Root Beer, some people like Sprite, Some like Coke and some like Pepsi. Some people can't taste the difference between Mountain Dew with Corn Syrup and Mountain Dew made with real sugar. Some people can't handle the consistency of tapioca pudding...
  9. Liamson

    If you really want to know me....

    This is the best place to start.
  10. Liamson

    For teh lulz...

    I just wanted to make a thread for the nonsensical laughs. Like Kitchen Alchemy gone wrong.... If you get too close to the magic pot, your robe will get Enchanted. ;)
  11. Liamson

    Christian "Bad Boys" that we can look up to.

    Shane Claiborne.... This counter culture bad boy taught me about the realities of Poverty. I volunteered and learned first hand what being ridiculously poor is all about. I learned why the popular phase "Get a job" is pointless to the realities of Homeless Americans. Thanks Shane! Hey look...
  12. Liamson

    Why me?

    There's 6.5 billion people in the world. Roughly half of them are people of the opposite gender. There are thousands of languages, hundreds of peoples, and beauty in all shapes colors and sizes. I stood on the observation deck of the sears tower in Chicago, I was breathless at the size of...
  13. Liamson

    Social Proof and Dating

    Social Proof: also known as informational social influence, is a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation. (wiki) A prime example of Social Proof is when A man pursues a woman and her friends disapprove...
  14. Liamson

    People that remind you of people?

    Have you ever seen someone on the street and did a double take? Maybe you wave? Maybe you just get excited all by yourself? Or maybe its a smell... And its like you're back there in that place. My room mate just bought a car recently and I commented that it smelled good. So then he went...
  15. Liamson

    Encouragement or Enabling?

    Ever have someone in your life that is always in some kind of a Crisis? When you try to help them, they might take it but, they will be in Crisis again. Or ever have someone constantly ask for advice and take none of it? Know anyone in your life that complains about everything and doesn't...
  16. Liamson

    How do You break up with someone?

    We always talk about, how to get into it. How to work through it. How to be the kind of person in a relationship that people want to have. But how do you pull the plug? I kind-a-sorta went on a Pseudo-date with someone recently. She doesn't really know me but, we went to a weird...
  17. Liamson

    The peace that PASSES Understanding.

    This Peace I got in my hand is the Quarterback, and the Understanding, now that is the Football. And Mr Quarterback here, well lets just say he's gonna throw for 3,000 thousand yards this season. *KIDDING* I learned something in my travels this last year. I learned to trust in a way that is...
  18. Liamson

    2 People can be in the Same circumstances and react very Differently.

    After taking Arwen's Peanuts Quiz a thought magically meandered into my head. We are all very different people. Person 1: sees being single as the inevitable curse of doom places upon them, they hate it but, they are powerless to fight against it. No matter how hard they try the outcome of...
  19. Liamson

    Are there some "Virtues" that are counterintuitive to finding a mate in our Culture?

    Are there some "Virtues" that are counterintuitive to finding a mate in our Culture? I'm curious about an idea that I don't readily know how to put into words. Essentially, speaking on Western Protestant Christian culture I wonder why there is a growing sense of hopelessness...
  20. Liamson

    What is the fastest that you've instantly connected deeply with someone?

    Just before I headed to San Diego. I went to a Paschal celebration with a couple of my buddies. Pascha at St. Justin Martyr in Jacksonville the year before, was unforgettable. I was with my best friend and it was my first time. I wanted the magic again. I wanted to feel the words of the...