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  1. Liamson

    50 Positive Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship

    Many of us question what is or if we are in a healthy relationship. Here are some great questions to ask yourselves if you question the authentic healthy dynamic of that special connection. ~RL~ 50 Positive Characteristics of Healthy Relationships. 1. You can name your partner’s best friend...
  2. Liamson

    People See the world Differently.

    But how, I don't really know. But I have noticed that with some women and men, I hit a sort of wall conceptually. Its like they know WHAT they want and how it should LOOK, but they need another person to help them achieve it. Its like they have this picture, and dating or relationships is like...
  3. Liamson

    Activities We could do with each other if we met.

    I was thinking about this when I mentioned the fishing thing awhile back. Cause I spent a bit of time in San Diego Pier fishing and it hit me that I would love to do something like that with Zeroturbulence. And I would love to go to a car show with a bunch of you guys. But what are some...
  4. Liamson

    (meant to be funny)

    Ever have odd thoughts when you are in the beginning of a relationship? "She's awesome but, if we ever had kids they would be the ugliest people ever. Our features probably wouldn't mix well." "When she writes in her bible, I wonder if she ever catches herself doodling?" "I wonder how...
  5. Liamson

    Fall in Love, give 100%, swing for the fences, don't look back.

    There was another thread where people were talking about why virginity is important-ish. Also another thread about why guys are concerned about honesty. I think that it has much to do with how much a person can bring into a relationship.... Am I going to be able to make this person happy...
  6. Liamson

    Observations Episode VI: Intimidation and Selection

    I have a thought that I've been toying with for a while. Its odd so bear with me. I do a lot of traveling. In my travels I meet a lot of different people. Some of the people I meet are incredibly interesting and fascinating. I'm pretty good at making ''Travel Buddies" people that I meet who...
  7. Liamson

    The Jesus Juke...

    The Jesus Juke. | Stuff Christians Like – Jon Acuff Original Content Found from Link. Weird things happen to me when I fly. If you followed me on Twitter you would know this because I tend to have “tweet explosions,” when I’m at airports. Last Sunday morning, as our plane lifted off the...
  8. Liamson

    Freedom, Compromise, and the Burdens we bear.

    It starts easy enough. It seems appealing, reasonable, and in a way popular. But will one slip and one turn, there starts a descent from stability to chaos and on the way, all the trappings of slavery get added on one by one. Until you no longer remember what it was like to be Free anymore...
  9. Liamson

    Get out of the Kitchen! ...please

    NO I don't want you to make me a sandwich. You don't have to clean right now. Just Stop. Stop for just a minute. Talk to me, here, with me. No, don't make me coffee first. I want you to be here with me, to sit with me. No this isn't about Sex or being entertained by me. I know...
  10. Liamson


    How NOT to Speak Christianese | InterVarsity - Evangelism This is a great link and a perfect example of why I try to avoid it at all cost. Also here is a fun video...
  11. Liamson

    What do you want someone to See and Like About you?

    Say I'm (Charles P. English) a guy or (Kerri M. Seastar) a girl... basically who I am is irrelevant. I am a random person looking for a mate/date/courtship... etc. Give me a reason to fall in love with YOU specifically. What is it about you that is different, that will set you apart in my...
  12. Liamson

    Milquetoast Christianity, Liamson and Dating...

    For the sake of keeping the peace I feel like I've been wearing a mask for most of my life. I have always been silent, agreeable, or when I know its safe, positively expressive. And I am done with that Chapter. I feel like this has been my guard but, its not to protect me. Its to protect...
  13. Liamson

    Honorable Woman Vs The Bad Girl

    On some subconscious level smoking, tattoos, motorcycles, attitude, dyed hair, and in general being non-traditional is really attractive to me. But I don't tend to attract these kinds of women. btw... I'm really normal looking. And therefore I tend to attract traditional looking women...
  14. Liamson

    Empty Filler, Anger and Novelty

    I've been looking for a place to contribute something here for a while, to participate, to add, to enliven the discussions, etc, BUT, I don't know if its me drifting away from the Forums or the Forums drifting away from me. I come here a lot. I have it on my mobile, I check it at work, and when...
  15. Liamson

    Episode 4: Objective or Personal Relationship?

    Does it matter more that it looks good to the Community and to the Outside world? OR Does it matter more that he/she understands all of you and wants to be there for you? Do you seek the best possible person for a relationship or do you seek the person you can share everything with...
  16. Liamson

    Observations Episode 3: Stuff Christian Singles Hear _detailpage&v=8myHowxYsu0 We've all been there.
  17. Liamson

    Weird Observations Episode 2: Being Claimed

    Small Town of about 9,000 or so. I was involved in 3 churches. One Calvary Chapel, one Nazarene, and one Foursquare. A thing happened that neutralized my ability to date anyone from this entire city. Up until this point I had dated a Nurse and a Children's Pastor from here, and after those...
  18. Liamson

    81 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend.

    Questions like the following could be fun to ask your boyfriend: 1. What was your first impression of me? 2. What is your idea of a perfect house? 3. How many times have you been in love? 4. How pretty do you think XXX is? 5. What are the qualities you like in me most? 6. What are the qualities...
  19. Liamson

    Imagine: What would the Opposite Gender Version of You be like?

    If you are a guy, what is your Female Equivalent? If you are a girl, who would your male equivalent be like? I was thinking, instead of who we are looking for, what if we simply found ourselves? Like what would the female version of me be like? Would she be outgoing adventurous or bookish...
  20. Liamson

    Christian Dating: Mythology Dogma and Traditions

    Is there a ONE? Is there a SIGN for God to show us who we are going to marry? Is it the Duty of a Godly Man to find a Wife? Are some things that other Christians believe about dating outrageous to you? Should people have a Chaperone or Escort on a date for accountability? Do you...