Search results

  1. gypsygirl

    prayers requested for loss of grandmother

    please keep lil_christian and her entire family in prayer. her grandmother passed away earlier today--another loss in the wake of many family changes on the horizon. thanks in advance! ~gypsy
  2. gypsygirl

    prayer for dad and pain

    hi, i would like to ask for prayer for my dad again. he had surgery last month, and was plagued with problems related to atrial fibrillation that appears to be under control at this time. however, he had extensive back surgery and now that he is home and receiving support/rehab from home...
  3. gypsygirl

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

  4. gypsygirl

    please pray for my dad

    i would greatly appreciate your prayer for my dad who is in precarious health and at greater risk for the next few days. he is in serious condition in the hospital following complications related to atrial fibrillation following significant back surgery. because they had to discontinue blood...
  5. gypsygirl

    prayer request for friend

    hello, i want to ask you all to pray for a younger brother who is struggling mightily right now and in a great deal of emotional pain. while i don't think he is suicidal, he is at the point where he would just as soon not wake up in the morning, either. "A" is going through a lot of emotional...
  6. gypsygirl

    advice from REAL experts - from those who have lived it!

    often we have situations where we are soliciting advice from others, and i think it's great that we can give encouragement and suggest solutions for others here on this (and other forums). but one of my favorite sources of advice has always been older people. anyone who knows me even a...
  7. gypsygirl

    what the qualities that GUYS looking for in a woman?

    i find it really fascinating that we see (over and over) threads for the purpose of asking women what they want in a guy, what is attractive in a guy, or other similar questions intended to solicit women's opinions of what they are seeking in a potential husband. however, i seldom (if ever)...
  8. gypsygirl

    please pray for someone in crisis

    please pray for a friend that is going through some very difficult times. while he is a christian, he is struggling mightily with suicidal feelings, and overall despair. i'm very concerned for him at this time. thanks in advance, monica
  9. gypsygirl

    christian book study

    how many of you would be interested in participating in a book study, assuming the book was of relevant interest to you? + what i'm proposing is those interested in sharing this experience will read a book together and share our insights along the way, using some questions that i'll...
  10. gypsygirl

    please pray for mother and baby and family in crisis

    please pray for the family of one of our regulars, hoss2576, whose family is going through a very difficult time. his sister-in-law is 6 months pregnant, and has been admitted to to the hospital. due to severe complications, the doctors have determined they need to take the baby. the survival...
  11. gypsygirl

    the single life isn't all bad...

    i thought this might be worthy of re-posting from my FB. just in case some of you needed reminders, being single comes with some distinct advantages. 23 "scientific" reasons the single life might be better, according to psychology today #24. gypsygirl doesn't have to share her closet. : )...
  12. gypsygirl

    finding the balance between tenderhearted & emotional distance for survival

    we currently live in a world that is full of atrocities, and evil. it seems that at nearly any given time, there are world events that could break your heart if you attempted to grasp the severity of suffering and evil. currently ISIS terrorists murdering innocent children and martyring...
  13. gypsygirl

    marital idolotry and extremism

    i've long observed that lots of singles seem to turn marriage into some "achievement" or accomplishment that is made to mean something that represents far more than it should ever be. not unlike an idol, hoisted upon this gilded platform, such as a milestone for which one's life can "begin"...
  14. gypsygirl

    judging people for not marrying

    in the recent thread, "too many divorces" people were quick to point out how we ought not to judge people for being a divorcee, because the circumstances can be complicated. i saw a lot of support for those whose lives have been touched by divorce, which i think is great. however, i couldn't...
  15. gypsygirl

    adding to the dictionary

    i love dictionaries and words, but unfortunately, some of the best words will probably never make it into merriam-websters official book. so, here's how this works: 1. someone will post a word (confirmed to not be an ACTUAL word) 2. we all can post/suggest the best definition for it the...
  16. gypsygirl

    what's in your purse?

    ok, some of you know that of late, i've been doing these iv iron infusions. which i liken to being chained like a dog to a post for a 2-3 hours, forcing me to find things that i can do with that time. it's been a challenge to have to sit still and find things that are productive, but last...
  17. gypsygirl

    becoming worthy of that (so-called) dream spouse

    recently, i came across a thread called "who is your dream spouse". we as a community often focus our attentions on: +who we're attracted to +how to behave in dating scenarios and what is acceptable behavior +what our ideal spouse/SO might be but in some ways, i'm more interested in what...
  18. gypsygirl

    do you have relationship/marriage role models?

    perhaps for many, you have grown up with lots of models of successful, happy, loving marriages that work. in small ways, i envy that. growing up around the carnage and graveyards of floundering, failing and broken marriages has inadvertently created an ability to recognize and value the...
  19. gypsygirl

    MBTI details and clarifications

    a couple days ago, an MBTI personality type and preference discussion popped up on the streams thread. i had planned to respond to some of the posts that people made. rather than post what i wrote in streams, i'm going to create a new thread for this discussion, since i feel that there are...
  20. gypsygirl

    if i wasn't a christian...

    one thing i occasionally ponder is what my life would be like if i wasn't a christian. i can see aspects of it so clearly, that envisioning my life that way is almost a "scared straight" moment for me. i can continue that path in my mind and see the pain and destruction my life would find were...