I think it's really cute when a guy uses his talents to impress the girl. Like if he's a baker, he could make her a cake. If he's an artist, he could draw her something special.
Ooooo if he's a singer, he could write her a song and sing it to her. Swoon! Like he could wake her up by playing an instrument or by singing at her window. I would definitely like that! haha
He could also be a writer and write beautiful poems about me!

If I had a guy, I would cook for him or make some concoctions that I've learned in the kitchen lately. I really enjoy baking, but I'm not professional with it like some of my sisters here. I just do it for fun every once in a while. I don't have an awesome talent, but I am very organized and enjoy a structured life. If I were married, I would definitely make sure his clothes are fresh, cleaned and ironed.
Now my question is...do any guys here write poetry or songs?