Hello I hope all is well.
The English language is about 1/3 of the size of the original Biblical Hebrew text. This is not to say you cannot learn from English, but Hebrew outdates English for thousands of years. I know Hebrew quite well and the nature of the English language quite simply cannot grasp the complexity of the Hebrew language. Example: the word "D'var" (דבר) means "thing", "word", "spoke", "plague" and more. So question, if I translate it does it only mean one thing or can it mean all 4 and if all 4 then I can understand the text 4 ways. Each let has numerical values and they can also deepen the level of the text. This is why Jesus was so keen on staying "Not one jot or tittle shall pass from the Law/Torah". Why? Because in Judaism, the Torah commands that if even if one letter is incorrect, the entire Torah is invalid! Why? Because these are words of God. Word God spoke. It is not a book that man created. Its power is incredible and its wisdom is beyond words. Why do you think the Catholics made a statute of Moses with horns? Because the same word for horns in hebrew means glory too. Why do you think the name of "Jesus" or "Yeshua" is so powerful to heal? It's not magic, the letters of His name are not arbitrary like other languages. The formation of his name is beyond our understanding.
When it comes to the NT. The Ancient Greek is great and much better than the English or Latin, but even more so, once you translate the text, you then must understand the Jewish/Hebrew idioms Jesus or the Disciples are speaking. Example Acts 1:12 "Then they returned a Sabbath walk distance". What on earth is that? Why waste ink on something so "useless"? Or Laying hands. Why is laying hands to important? Why did the High Priest lay hands on the Goat during the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and why only lay hands when someone is given leadership?
King Solomon alludes to the wisdom in the Bible throughout all his books and Jesus reiterates Moses, "Man shall not live on bread alone but every word that comes out of the Lord".