I disagree (though I do not see "45 days after" either... [only a matter of several days, due to "overlap" issues, not "45" additional days]).
When Jesus said (Matt24:
15), "When
ye therefore shall see the abomination [
singular] of desolation [
spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place...," there are only two choices in Daniel where the
"SINGULAR" is used... one in chpt 11 (about Antiochus Epiphanes) and one in chpt 12 (12:
11 - "and the abomination [
singular] of desolation SET UP [H5414 - put, appoint]...");
--and bearing in mind that
vv.6-7,1 provide
the same time-period that 7:25 also had spoken of (which is parallel to the other passages in Scripture speaking to the same future second half of the Trib yrs);
--and how Daniel is told he will "rest [in death] and STAND IN THY LOT [be resurrected / 'to stand again' (on the earth)]
at the END of the DAYS [at the END of the "days" referred to IN THIS CONTEXT; i.e. at the END of the future Trib yrs, which is when ALL OT saints will be resurrected
FOR the promised and prophesied
earthly Millennial Kingdom age (see Job19:25-27, for example;
see also Matt8:11 and its parallel... re: the "
meal [G347 - "shall sit down (around a table; at a meal)]"<--
corresponding to other passages with same, as I've mentioned in past posts)]";
--and how Dan12:
"BLESSED" corresponds with about 9-10 other "BLESSED" passages speaking of
the "still-living" saints' [at the END of the Trib]
ENTRANCE INTO the earthly MK age, commencing upon His "RETURN"
to the earth (
same time-slot and circumstances in each of these [8-10] related "BLESSED" passages)
[again, the "ye/you" of Matthew 24 / Olivet Discourse is a "CONSISTENT 'ye/you'" and is NOT speaking of "the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY"... example: v.9 ('ye') and v.15 ('ye') are the SAME "ye" group... WE WON'T BE HERE!
